Central Station Glasgow Photos, Architect, Scottish Hotel, History, Strathclyde Railway Architecture

Glasgow Central Station

Europa Nostra Award for building renewal design by gm+ad with Arup Engineers, Scotland

post updated 21 December 2021

Central Station Glasgow

Central Station, Glasgow
Glasgow Station photo: Guthrie Photography, provided by gm+ad architects

Address: Glasgow Central Station, 79 Gordon Street, Glasgow, UK G1 3SL

Phone: 0845 711 4141

Photographs from 1968 visit by Norwegian architecture student Dag Nilsen, added 27 Jun 2011:
Central Station Glasgow Grand Central Hotel Glasgow
photos © Dag Nilsen

Central Station – History
Central Station: Blyth & Cunningham 1876-79
Central Hotel: Rowand Anderson 1879; James Miller 1901-06
Regeneration of the railway hub: gm + ad architects 2003

Historic Scottish building by architect James Miller:
Central Station Central Station in Glasgow Central Station Building
Scottish railway hotel building photos © Adrian Welch 2011

Grand Central Hotel:
Grand Central Hotel Grand Central Hotel Glasgow Central Hotel Glasgow
Grand Central Hotel Glasgow : photos © Adrian Welch 2011

Redevelopment Architect : gm + ad architects

Central Station Restoration
Gordon Murray and Alan Dunlop Architects and Arup Scotland announce that the Central Station regeneration project in Glasgow has won a prestigious Europa Nostra Award.

Hielanman’s Umbrella
Hielanman's Umbrella
photo © Adrian Welch

The Citation for this prestigious architectural award reads:
‘Awarded for the research and exemplary conservation of an important 19th century train station, including important protection measures to the roof, executed with sensitivity and meticulous attention to detail’.

Highlandman’s Umbrella (aka Hielanman’s Umbrella) – Central Station Viaduct by James Miller 1901-6, now facing Radisson Hotel to west:
Hielanman’s Umbrella Scotland
Hielanman’s Umbrella photo : Andrew Lee, provided by gm+ad architects

Murray Thomson, Project Director for gm+ad said “this is a great honour for the practice and for Glasgow. We have a reputation as a practice for challenging new work, this heritage award is the most significant in Europe and consolidates also our reputation for handling conservation work of the utmost importance’

Network Rail Major Station Scotland aerial photo
picture © webbaviation

The initial architect for this historic Glasgow hotel building is Rowand Anderson

The Diploma will be given to Mr Walter Macharg, the Financial Director of Network Rail Major Stations and Mr Murray Thomson at the European Cultural Heritage Awards Ceremony at the Palais Egmont in Brussels on May 9, in the presence of HRH Prince Lorenz of Belgium.

Scottish architects Gordon Murray + Alan Dunlop – gm+ad:
Gordon Murray + Alan Dunlop
photo : Andrew Lee, provided by gm+ad architects
This well known architectural ceased to practice some years ago after Gordon and Alan decided to go separate ways.

Owner: Network Rail Major Stations
Architect: Gordon Murray and Alan Dunlop Architects
Engineer: Arup Scotland
Management Contractor: Bovis Lend Lease

Central Hotel Glasgow completion architect – James Miller

Scottish railway building by architect James Miller Scottish building by architect James Miller Glasgow Central Station Network Rail Major Station in Scotland
Hotel + Station Glasgow : photo © Adrian Welch 2006

Central Hotel building
Architects: Rowand Anderson 1879; James Miller 1901-6

Architecture in Strathclyde

Glasgow Railway Station
Queen Street Glasgow : redevelopment news

Scottish Railway Stations
Waverley Station
Edinburgh Park Station

The contractor for Glasgow Central Station also worked on the Scottish Parliament building, Museum of Scotland and BBC Scotland HQ (at Pacific Quay on the River Clyde).

A building design by gm+ad architects adjacent to the station (west) is the Radisson Hotel Glasgow

Historic Glasgow : best buildings of the past


Comments / photos for the Central Station Building – Hotel + Railway Architecture page welcome