Douglas Street Building, Architect, Project, Business District Property, Images, Design, Info

Douglas Street Glasgow : Residential Development

Glasgow Residential Development, Strathclyde – design by riach partnership, Scotland

15 Jun 2009

Douglas Street Building

City Centre Residential Development Douglas Street, Glasgow, Strathclyde
Date built: 2009
Design: riach partnership ltd

Douglas Street Residential Development

Within the traditional sandstone context of Glasgow’s business district Riach have completed proposals for a small-scale residential development at 121 Douglas Street.

Douglas St Glasgow Douglas Street Douglas Street Glasgow
pictures from architect

Borrowing from the existing urban grain of the street, the proposals considered scale and massing whilst combining a complimentary palette of materials with full height glazing and glass balustrades onto Douglas Street.

Effectively bounded on three sides by neighbouring gables, the design sought to maximise its frontage by orientating the main living space and bedrooms towards the street with the circulation and service space positioned towards the back of the plan.

Douglas Street Development images / information from riach partnership ltd

Address: Riach Partnership, 200 Bath St, Glasgow G2 4HG
Phone: 0141 353 1230 ; Website:
Riach Partnership is an architectural practice based in Glasgow. We have a genuine passion for what we do and we have a proven track record of delivering considered and engaging architecture for clients in both the public and private sector.

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