Glasgow architecture trends guide, West Scotland architectural direction, Scottish property style

Glasgow Architecture Trends Worth Knowing

9 Mar 2021

The city of Glasgow is famous for its architecture and is particularly noted for its 19th century Victorian as well as the 20th century Glasgow style architecture. But in recent times, it has been seen that the architectural trends of Glasgow have adopted an influx of new and green designs that are constructed in environmentally-friendly methods, equipment and methods.

It is seen that besides the residential houses, the hospitals, schools, commercial architecture as well as the rehab clinics are always built in such a way. The new equipment used in building these modern architectural structures are designed to improve productivity without hampering the environment.

Creating levels in your garden
image courtesy of architects practice

Glasgow Architecture: Trends That Are Worth Knowing

New Architectural trends in Glasgow

Some of the latest designs and architectural trends that have taken over in recent years are as mentioned below:

  1. Maximized outdoors and open spaces: Patios, balconies and terraces have been reintroduced as the prime design elements in the modern architectural trends of Glasgow. Every building constructed these days has big balconies and terraces, so that inhabitants can spend their leisure time there.

The reputed rehab clinics like Serenity addiction center, have a lot of outdoor and open spaces in the form of patios and balconies. Most of these open spaces have enough greenery. The individuals, who get admission there for their addiction treatments, can spend a lot of time under the open sky and make more attachments with nature. It is often said that nature has the power of healing humans from several diseases. So, by spending quality time outdoors with other individuals suffering from the same issues, the patients of rehab centers can easily overcome their hard times during the healing procedure.

  1. Automated and Smart homes: There has been a surge in the use of automation systems for new as well as rehabilitated buildings. The automated systems provide extra security to the homes as well as control the temperature, light and other privacies of the home. These systems enhance the level of comforts for the users. Moreover, these systems can also bring a certain reduction in the amount of energy bills. Switching to this domotic architecture is considered as a reflection of the users’ environmental and social awareness.
  2. Greater attention is given to the baths and kitchens: The kitchens are considered as the heart of homes and hence it is the center of most of the household activities. So, over the years the kitchen architecture has been evolving to adjust itself with all the appliances introduced by the advancing technologies.

On the other hand, the bathrooms are no longer considered as the place for personal care and grooming. These days the baths are designed in such a way that can act as a relaxation and recovery place after a long day at work. More people are installing Jacuzzis and bathtubs in order to make the place more relaxing.

  1. Minimalism: According to a minimalist design form, more modern materials and avant-grade are used in construction of a building. The more use of aluminum, iron, wood and recycled papers not only reduces the cost of construction, but is also characterized by the absence of surface elements, asymmetrical forms and simple lines.

These are some of the modern Architectural trends in Glasgow that are worth knowing.

4 Things An Architect Does advice - Glasgow architecture trends

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