HLM Partnership with Glasgow Gaelic School, Developing the Young Workforce, Strathclyde

HLM Partnership with Glasgow Gaelic School News

Design and Architecture practice in Scotland: GGS / DYW News

post updated 15 December 2023

HLM Announces Partnership with Glasgow Gaelic School through Developing the Young Workforce (DYW)

HLM Partnership with Glasgow Gaelic School through Developing the Young Workforce

18 Oct 2018

HLM Partnership with Glasgow Gaelic School through Developing the Young Workforce

17th October 2018: HLM, a leading design and architecture practice with studios in Glasgow, has announced its new partnership with Developing the Young Workforce (DYW).

HLM’s contribution to academic life in Glasgow has expanded through its involvement with Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Glasgow. HLM’s Marketing Executive, Amy Ogilvy, who is based in the Glasgow studio, has become a DYW Ambassador on behalf of the practice.

Being partnered with Glasgow Gaelic School through DYW, HLM now possesses the opportunity to execute a programme for students in the forthcoming academic year. Within this, HLM will offer work experience in its Glasgow studio, competitive projects for graphic design students and get involved with career fairs at the school.

HLM recognises the importance of helping students thrive in the workplace and equip them with the best knowledge to move forward into their next career move. The programme aims to prepare young people for the rapidly changing world of work and open their eyes to the many opportunities out there for them.

Amy’s personal involvement with the programme stems from the HLM Academy, which initially helped grow her own career. As part of Amy’s individual role with the school, she regularly provides talks offering insight into the world of work. Recently, she led mock interviews with S4, S5 and S6 pupils at the school, equipping them with confidence and experience for future job opportunities. Amy has also offered support to senior students for their university applications through workshops, helping students to unlock their potential within the design industry and beyond.

Amy Ogilvy, Marketing Executive at HLM and DYW Ambassador, commented, “I am thrilled to be an Ambassador for DYW and am delighted to be partnered with Glasgow Gaelic School. Having the chance to inspire young students and inform them of the endless possibilities available after school is a fantastic opportunity, both for myself personally and for HLM. The scheme genuinely inspires the next generation and opens their eyes to the possibilities after school. I would like to thank HLM for their support in this partnership, as it is a privilege to have the opportunity to make a difference.”

Donalda McComb, Head Teacher at Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu (Glasgow Gaelic School) stated,
“At the Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu, equipping our students with the core skills, knowledge and confidence to excel in life after they leave our classrooms is at the heart of everything we do. We are excited to be partnered with HLM as part of the DYW programme and to be working closely with Amy. It is incredibly important for our students to gain valuable career insight and being able to gain this first hand from HLM is a fantastic opportunity. We are looking forward to all that the partnership brings. Dà chànan, Dà Chultar, Iomadh Cothrom (Two languages, two cultures, many opportunities).”

DYW Glasgow is hosted by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. Alison McRae, Senior Director, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, said, “We are delighted that HLM has entered into a strategic partnership with Glasgow Gaelic School. Sharing its experience and knowledge with the next generation is crucial for developing the young workforce and inspiring young people to think about ambitious careers.”

HLM Architects


HLM is a practice offering expertise across 5 disciplines; Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Environmental and Masterplanning.

As an international practice, it serves Ireland and the UK with studios in Belfast, London, Sheffield, Glasgow, Cardiff and Manchester. It also has studios in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

HLM’s work spans 8 private and public sectors, including Healthcare, Living & Communities, Defense, Hospitality Leisure & Culture, Workplace & Civic, Emergency Services, Custodial & Justice and Education and has strong expertise in many procurement forms including PPP/PFI, partnering and framework schemes.

For more information visit the website: www.hlmarchitects.com

Follow HLM on Twitter: @HLMArchitects

Major Scottish Buildings

Key Buildings in Scotland – architectural selection below:

Maggies Gartnavel
photo © Adrian Welch
Maggie’s Gartnavel Centre designed by OMA

Base Glasgow Student Housing Development
Base Glasgow Student Housing Development
image courtesy of architects
Base Glasgow Student Housing

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