Hopetoun House, Photos, Architect, Historic Scottish Building, Phone, Location, Image

Hopetoun House, Edinburgh

Historic Property in West Lothian – design by William Adam architect, Scotland, UK

Address: Hopetoun, nr South Queensferry, EH30 9SL, Scotland

Location / Directions: 2m west of South Queensferry, off A904, north-west of Edinburgh

Contact: +44 (0)131 331 2451

Hopetoun House

Hopetoun House, Scotland
aerial view: images from Morris and Steedman Associates

Hopetoun House Scotland

Building Architect: Sir William Bruce + William Adam – 1721
Refurbishment Architects: Morris & Steedman Associates

Hopetoun House
exterior image

Twentieth century conservation work at Hopetoun House has included major roof repairs and complex repairs to colonnade stonework. Most recently an entire upgrading of the Estate infrastructure and conversion of the Stables Wing to provide restaurant facilities have been completed. Conservation Plan for Heritage Lottery Fund application prepared 1996 – 2002.

Morris and Steedman Associates
Hopetoun House interior: Yellow Drawing Room

Current projects include the conservation of external fabric, expansion of visitor facilities and the creation of a world-class archive study centre.

Hopetoun House
Red Drawing Room

Phone: 0131 331 2451
E-mail: enquiries(at)hopetounhouse.com

Hopetoun House images / information from Morris and Steedman Associates

Hopetoun House Architect
William Adam 1689 – 1748
Scottish Architect, noted for his design of Scottish country houses. Adam was born near Kirkcaldy and was the father of the architects James, John and Robert Adam (1728-92). He worked on Floors Castle (1718) with architect Sir John Vanbrugh. William Adam’s most impressive work is probably Hopetoun House.

The Adam family also had a house in Edinburgh on what is now Chambers Street. Adam House (1954-55) by William Kininmonth, part of the University of Edinburgh, now stands on the site. William Adam is buried in Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, in a mausoleum designed by his son, John.

Architecture in Scotland

Scottish Country Houses in Edinburgh & Lothian:

Another large historic house in the Lothians

Arniston House

Scottish Project by morris and steedman associates
Couston Castle


Glasgow Transport Museum

Buildings / photos for the Hopetoun House Architecture located just west of Edinburgh page welcome

Website: www.hopetounhouse.com