Perth City Hall Building Demolition, Seminar, Campaign, Hotel, Scotland, Location

Perth City Hall building design

Scottish Civic Architecture – Debate: Plaza Proposal, Plans

7 Jun 2014

Perth City Hall : An International Perspective

Date: 23 Jun 2014, 10am-2pm

Cost: £15 (£12.50 + VAT), includes light lunch

Perth City Hall plaza design:
Perth City Hall plaza landscape design

Perth City Hall building and plaza design


A seminar jointly promoted by The Dundee Institute of Architects and the RIAS, exploring the Scottish, UK and international standing of this unique and threatened Edwardian building. Chaired by Neil Baxter, speakers are Gavin Stamp Hon FRIAS, Vivian Linacre and James Simpson FRIAS.


Neil Baxter Hon FRIAS
Secretary & Treasurer of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) since March 2008, Neil has lectured on urbanism, written for The Telegraph, Herald, Sunday Herald, Homes & Interiors and AJ and is a frequent media spokesman.
As CEO of the RIAS, Neil is responsible for oversight of RIAS policy, governance, business planning and budgets. He has overall responsibility for the Incorporation’s membership services, Consultancy, Practice Services, accreditation schemes, events, publications, outreach, political liaison, CPD, educational initiatives and awards.
Neil wrote The Wee Green Book, a history of Glasgow Green, co-authored Pat Lally’s Lazarus Only Done it Once, edited the Glasgow medieval history, A Tale of Two Towns, the monograph Matt Steele, Architect, A Biography, A Life in Cities, the autobiography of David Mackay (MBM, Barcelona) and David Mackay’s On Life and Architecture.
In May 2008, Neil received Glasgow’s Lord Provost’s Award for services to heritage.

Vivian Linacre

Vivian Linacre was a Founding Member of the British Council of Shopping Centre in 1984 and also of the Society of Property Researchers in 1987. He was Chairman of the Scottish Appeal Committee for the 1987 UN International Year of Shelter for the Homeless. For many years he represented Scotland on the management committee of the International Real Estate Federation’s British Chapter. In 1983 he founded Spifox, the children’s charity entirely supported by the Scottish property and building industries and allied professions. He is a trustee of the British Weights & Measures Trust and of Perth City Market Trust. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts and of the Society of Antiquaries in Scotland.

James Simpson FRIAS

James trained with Colin McWilliam, Ian Lindsay in Edinburgh and Sir Bernard Feilden in Norwich. He co-founded the firm of Simpson & Brown Architecture in 1977. He has worked on urban projects, country houses, public buildings, churches and cathedrals. While James’ skills are broad, he has a passion for the classical, arranging a reprint of William Adam’s Vitruvius Scoticus and leading efforts to save Mavisbank, which, for many, epitomises Scottish classicism.

Gavin Stamp Hon FRIAS

Gavin Stamp was born in Bromley in 1948 and read History and then the History of Art at Cambridge. For most of his career he has been a freelance writer on the history of architecture as well as teaching, organising exhibitions and dabbling in architectural journalism. For a dozen years he taught the history of architecture at the Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art, and was eventually made an honorary professor by the University of Glasgow. Since 2003 he has reverted to being an independent scholar. He has a particular interest in 19th and 20th century British Architecture and has written about the work of Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson, the Gilbert Scott dynasty and Sir Edwin Lutyens, amongst others. He has also published on the earliest photography of London and the history of telephone kiosks. His most recent books are Britain’s Lost Cities, The Memorial to the Missing of the Somme and Lost Victorian Britain. He is an honorary Fellow of both the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland and the Royal Institute of British Architects and considers that one of the greatest boons to civilisation which originated in England was the railway.


Event Chair : Neil Baxter Hon FRIAS

10:00 Coffee and Registration
10:30 Welcome and Introduction from the Chair
10:40 Vivian Linacre: The Story So Far
11:00 James Simpson FRIAS: The Scottish Perspective
11:30 Gavin Stamp Hon FRIAS: An International Disgrace
12:10 Q&A and Press Conference
12:45 Group Photo (speakers and delegates at Perth City Hall)
13:15 Sandwich Lunch (bar open)

This event counts for 2 CPD Hours/Points

To book your place at the Perth City Hall Building Seminar please contact Sophie Birch at [email protected] or call 0131 229 7545 by Thursday 19th June

Perth City Hall Campaign



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Perth City Hall building:
Perth City Hall Building
photo © Robert Booth

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Perth Concert Hall
photo © Keith Hunter
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Comments / photos for the Perth City Hall Building – Scottish Architecture Event page welcome.