Kilwinning Property, North Ayrshire Ventures Office

Kilwinning, North Ayrshire, Scotland, Development, Project, Developer, News North Ayrshire Ventures Office Accommodation in Kilwinning: Development in Strathclyde, western Scotland 15 Jan 2005 Kilwinning Development Joint venture between North Ayrshire Council + The EDI Group: New office development set to bring jobs to North Ayrshire North Ayrshire Ventures have started building a major speculative office development … Read more

Cardross Seminary Letters, St Peters Development

In general I’m not a great fan of modernist architecture but I feel that this example should be preserved as an example of architecture of a particular time. I’m dismayed that many people don’t consider keeping examples of modern architecture and see them as merely carbuncles on the landscape. It’s not the prettiest of buildings and this seems to be highlighted even more with the beautiful rural setting.

Wellhouse Community Easterhouse, Glasgow

Wellhouse Housing Association, Glasgow Community Facility Photo, Building Project, Homes Wellhouse Community Easterhouse in Glasgow Complex in Greater Easterhouse design by Chris Stewart Architects, Strathclyde, western Scotland 19 Sep 2004 Wellhouse Community Easterhouse The Hub at Wellhouse, Glasgow was officially opened by Margaret Curran MSP on 17 Sep 2004. Complex for Wellhouse Housing Association Design: … Read more

Wimpey Homes Edinburgh: Shrub Place

Wimpey Homes Edinburgh, Scotland, Architect, Location, Scottish Building, Image Glasgow Architecture Editorial Summer 2003 Housing at Shrub Place off Leith Walk, Edinburgh, Lothian, Eastern Scotland Editorial Summer 2003 Wimpey, Edinburgh Density + Growth The Shrub Place scheme’s latest rejection in Edinburgh throws up issues re density and quality. I believe Wimpey’s decision to apparently use … Read more

Scottish Architecture Awards | Design Award Scotland

Scottish Architecture Awards, Architects, Scottish Building, News, Project, Images, Design Glasgow Architecture Editorial Spring 2003 RIAS Award for Architecture + Carnyx Group’s Scottish Design Awards – Editorial Spring 2003 Scottish Architecture Awards are again in the news with submissions sought for the RIAS Award for Architecture and the Carnyx Group’s Scottish Design Awards judged and … Read more