St Petersburg Foundation, Anniversary, Russia, Architects, Russian Architecture

St Petersburg Architecture

Building in Russia : British Government – design by Zoo Architects

St Petersburg Anniversary

Zoo Architects are the British Government’s present to St Petersburg

St Petersburg Foundation

The year 2003 signals the anniversary of the founding of St Petersburg and to commemorate this unique occasion, many countries throughout the world have chosen to gift ‘birthday presents’ to the city. The British government is participating in these celebrations with its own programme of events under the name UK@StPb2003.

The purpose of this project is to bring St Petersburg’s established historical links with Scottish architecture and its architects up to date to enable Scottish and Russian architects to work together with communities in the city.

Zoo has been asked to run education workshops and to design the pilot project for a new public space in St Petersburg.

Zoo have been asked to use their considerable experience to help local professionals and communities in St Petersburg develop the repertoire of skills needed to tackle the gap sites scattered around the edges of the cities and its large areas of public housing.

The intention is to hold a series of education workshops and create at least one public space as a pilot project and model for other such developments by local architects and communities.

Peter Richardson and Sally Nicol of Zoo will be in St Petersburg for the launch of the UK@StPb2003 programme.

For further information re St Petersburg project, please contact:
Sally Nicol on 0141 221 6767 – Zoo Architects Ltd

St Petersburg, Russia: British Government Building information

St Petersburg Co-ordinators for the architects:

Felicity Cave, UK Co-ordinator [email protected]
Meg Luckins, Co-ordinator Scotland, [email protected] /

Architecture in Strathclyde

SECC Glasgow

Glasgow Transport Museum

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Website: St Petersburg

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Fort Shopping Centre

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