Sustainable construction guide, eco-friendly industry advice, Green property tips

Sustainable Construction: How The Industry Is Changing To Be More Eco-Friendly

14 June 2022

Sustainability has become a buzzword in recent years. Companies from all industries are looking for ways that their business can be more sustainable. Many are finding ways to reduce their carbon footprint in the fight against climate change. Others are looking for ways to be greener due to the interest from consumers.

Consumers are looking to invest in sustainable products and companies that share similar values surrounding how to be more environmentally friendly. However, despite this surging interest for eco-friendly products and working with sustainable companies, there are a reported two-thirds of businesses have no plan for sustainability.

Here are a few ways that the construction industry is changing to become more eco-friendly.

Sustainable construction: eco-friendly industry

Sustainable Construction Industry Guide

Having Energy-Efficient Premises

Before a project gets underway, many businesses in the construction industry choose to work from an energy-efficient premises. As they are well aware of the pollution likely to be emitted from their projects, construction company leaders are looking at how to operate as eco-friendly as possible. One way is by working from an energy-efficient office.

An energy-efficient office might use appliances that have an energy performance certificate rating of A, B, or C. The rating shows that minimal amounts of energy are required for the devices to operate. Some offices will likely use a combined heat and power system. This combined system can help them use renewable alternatives that are more energy-efficient.

These small changes are simple and effective ways a construction company can promote sustainability in their business.

Updated Handling Of Construction Waste

It is no secret that the construction industry produces large quantities of waste. Projects will have materials left over that cannot be used for other ventures, nor can they be saved and used again at a later date. This causes high volumes of waste to be produced.

One way to reduce this is by implementing a robust recycling process. If any materials are recyclable and can be recycled, companies should encourage their employees to do so. Making this conscious effort helps to reduce the sheer quantity of waste materials ending up in a landfill.

Companies should look for alternative options for materials that cannot be recycled. They could look to see if materials can be donated to local projects. Some suppliers might offer a take-back scheme that construction companies can utilise. Another way is to sell the materials to other vendors that might only need small quantities of materials. Finding these alternative ways can help construction companies to minimise how much waste from their projects end up in landfills.

Choosing To Use Low Energy Products

When organising their next construction project, companies in the construction industry should consider using low energy products. Energy-efficient bulbs and appliances are one way to be more eco-friendly but using low energy building materials is another way to be more sustainable.

More construction companies should consider using low carbon concrete . With a rising number of construction companies looking to become more sustainable, many concrete suppliers are starting to offer eco-friendlier products.

Construction companies should consider using a commercial concrete producer, such as Hanson. The concrete contractor can provide construction companies with a vast selection of low carbon concrete products. These lower carbon products can help companies make each construction project as eco-friendly as possible.

Using Environmentally Conscious Designs

The designing and planning stage is a vital step in the process of creating a building. These plans are what companies use to bring the ideas to life. During these design stages, the construction industry can begin to make more sustainable choices. They can look into ways that sustainability can be incorporated into the project. With window placements, companies can decide how the placement of windows can maximise the amount of natural light the building gets. This means the building does not need to use as much electricity to brighten the inside or heat the space.

Additionally, the longer a building can remain in use, the better. This is because greenhouse gasses are emitted during demolition and they are also created when cleaning up the demolished building and rebuilding a new structure.

Looking To Reduce Fuel Consumption

Significant volumes of fuel are consumed on a construction project. All vehicles transporting materials and equipment to and from the construction sites and the heavy machinery used on site need fuel to operate. Oil and gas are both significant contributors to climate change. If construction companies can find and implement ways to reduce the amount they use, it can help them reduce their carbon footprint and positively impact the environment.

Construction companies can look into investing in hybrid gas-electric heavy machinery or ones that only use electricity. There are already a few companies within the construction industry that have made this switch. Switching to electric or hybrid vehicles often costs more to buy. However, money saved on fuel will gradually reduce the cost difference. It helps the company save money on fuel in the long term and helps protect the environment.

If switching vehicle types is likely to occur, companies can start small by monitoring their current fleet. They can provide their drivers with the best possible routes, and these will help them get to their destination quicker and without using too much fuel. Monitoring drivers can also help companies know their drivers’ speed and driving behaviour. Both can help reduce air pollution and maintain a positive image surrounding the company. If drivers use vehicles with the company’s branding visible but are driving poorly, it can impact the business and how clients perceive it. This impact could affect their ability to attract new clients or retain current ones. Monitoring their behaviour is worth considering for any construction company.

The Bottom Line

Making conscious choices to be a more sustainable company can benefit businesses. The shift in consumer trends shows people want to be more sustainable. They want to invest in sustainable products and work with companies actively trying to reduce their carbon footprint.

If construction companies show the ways they are reducing their carbon footprint and being a more sustainable business, it can attract the interest of potential clients. Alongside a quality service, being a sustainable company could sway a client’s interest.

Another advantage of being a more sustainable business is the costs saved. As touched on, switching to electric or hybrid cars can help save money on fuel. Using energy-efficient appliances reduces how much power is needed to work, which helps lower any bills. Although many energy-efficient and sustainable options have higher price tags, the money saved long-term is worth the investment. Additionally, being able to reduce their carbon footprint and be more sustainable is something many construction companies are trying to accomplish.

To become a more sustainable construction company, business leaders can look into implementing one or more of the changes mentioned above. These changes are all contributors to how the construction industry is changing to become more eco-friendly.

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