Glasgow news 2, Strathclyde building designs
Glasgow building news: Strathclyde buildings designs – architectural developments in the West of Scotland, 2015 – new Glaswegian property development
We select the best and most interesting Glasgow architectural news. Discover Strathclyde architecture design projects information and pictures of the best new building news. Find southwest Scotland built environment updates going back to 2002.
We feature a selection of the most interesting Scottish Central Belt architectural news and post frequently.
The website features a selection of the best new building designs around the region, by respected designers.
In addition, we post information and images of significant Strathclyde contemporary architecture projects on this regional website.
In conclusion, our tag archives are informative and together provide a useful Glasgow architectural resource. On our site we post architectural content seven days a week.
Finally, you can find a strong grouping of Glaswegian architecture news posts on our site.
Glasgow building news: Strathclyde buildings designs – architectural developments in the West of Scotland, 2015 – new Glaswegian property development
Glasgow building developments news, Strathclyde properties – southwest Scotland architecture design: Scottish property – built environment
Glasgow Museums & Galleries – discover architecture and architects, info + photos – find Museum & Gallery buildings in Strathclyde, Scotland
Glasgow news January 2014 – Scottish architects + Glasgow building news, designs and photos – Strathclyde architecture developments in January 2014
The construction of a new education facility on the site of the current St Brendan’s Primary School in the north west of the city has been agreed by Glasgow City Council.
The multi-million pound Lomondgate development, near Dumbarton, has received a commendation award in the new public and private partnership category at the Scottish Government’s 2013 Quality in Planning Awards.
Glasgow News October 2013 – Scottish Architects, Glasgow Building News, Scotland, Photos – Strathclyde architecture developments updates
Glasgow News – April 2013 : Buildings in Scotland, Architecture Information Glasgow Building News : April 2013 Strathclyde Architectural Developments Glasgow News – April 2013 Architecture Designs, chronological: Scottish Planning News Planning Minister Derek Mackay has today proposed a revamp of Scotland’s planning system which he said will place more emphasis on jobs and economic … Read more
Green buildings, health of occupants – article on eco architecture safety, sustainable building design – read our guide to eco building safety
Investors in People Scotland “Gordon Murray and Alan Dunlop Architects (gm+ad) have achieved year on year growth ever since the new partnership was formed twelve years ago
The Parr Partnership has been named as one of five UK architectural firms to be awarded 2nd Generation agreements by BAA to support its capital investment programme over the next five years
Paisley buildings photos – discover architects and Renfrewshire architecture designs – south west Glasgow property images, project proposals