10 must-have DIY tools for your Toolbox guide, Home do it yourself advice, Property repair help

10 must-have DIY tools for your Toolbox

13 April 2022

10 must-have DIY tools for your toolbox

If you’re committed to DIY, then you might find yourself reaching for certain tools far more than others. These are your workhorses – and it’s vital that you invest in a core of quality tools for everyday use before you branch out into more specialised items.

There are thousands of DIY enthusiasts in the UK, so SGS Engineering created a series of fun brainteasers for all DIY enthusiasts to learn more about the DYI basic tools.

Popular tools and their accessories are hidden in the following drawings. It takes an average person 48 seconds to solve it. How long do you think it will take you?

  1. Find the nail hidden in the tools…

10 must-have DIY tools for your toolbox

  1. Find the tape measure hidden in the tools…

10 must-have DIY tools for your toolbox

So, exactly which tools are worth splashing out on?


If you don’t have the right toolbox to hand, then you may find that all of your equipment falls quickly into disrepair. You’ll want something sturdy, mobile and secure. Fortunately, there are plenty of toolboxes out there that meet these criteria.


Just about every household task, from hanging a radiator to building a stud wall, will involve some form of drilling. Make sure that you’ve got a quality cordless drill that you can reach for whenever the need arises at home.

Spirit level

Before you fix anything position, you’ll want to make sure that it’s straight and level. This is where a spirit level comes in. Make sure that you have several of them to hand, in various sizes.

Sealant gun

If you’re applying sealant, then you need a sealant gun. Fortunately, these are pretty inexpensive – which means there’s no excuse not to have one.


Screwdrivers come in a range of forms, to suit a range of sockets. You’ll get more torque out of some screw-heads than others. Get an assortment of them. If you find that you’re doing a lot of driving, then you might consider investing in an impact driver.


Your hammer is used for driving in nails, and for demolition work. Turn it around, and you can remove nails, too. Hammers come in many different sizes, but the standard one can be adapted to most tasks. It’s only when you get to major demolition that you might wish to reach for something more robust.


If you want to fetch items from awkward spaces, or grab hold of things with more force than your fingers alone could muster, then you need a pair of pliers.

Tape measure

Your tape measure is essential for figuring out just how much room you need. Whether you’re slicing timber to length, or working out how much plasterboard you need to cover a ceiling, you’re going to be reaching for the tape. Get a tape that can clip onto your belt.


While you might invest in a power saw at some point, the truth is that most tasks can be handled by a simple hand-saw. Get one that’s geared toward cross-cuts, as those are the ones you’ll be performing most often.

Utility knife

You’ll be using this little knife frequently. Make sure that you get a supply of replacement blades, too – you can store them in the toolbox you’ve invested in.


  1. Find the nail hidden in the tools…

10 must-have DIY tools for your toolbox

  1. Find the tape measure hidden in the tools…

10 must-have DIY tools for your toolbox

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Glasgow House Prototype

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