The Advanced Forming Research Centre, AFRC Building, Strathclyde University Project, Scotland

Advanced Forming Research Centre : AFRC Glasgow

Strathclyde University Building, Scotland design by Hypostyle Architects

14 Sep 2011

Architects : Hypostyle


The Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC) is a public/private sector partnership designed to drive technological improvements and profitability within the aerospace, marine and automotive industries.

Advanced Forming Research Centre: AFRC Advanced Forming Research Centre: AFRC Glasgow Advanced Forming Research Centre: AFRC Glasgow building Advanced Forming Research Centre, AFRC Building
AFRC Building photos from Hypostyle Architects

Advanced Forming Research Centre Glasgow


The Client’s aspiration was to procure a building that reflects the status of a world class research and production centre that supports global industrial manufacturing companies such as Rolls Royce & Boeing.

– Flexibility & Expansion
– Collaborative Group Working
– Healthy Working Environment
– Sustainable Design & Development
– Low Operational & Maintenance Costs


The building form consists of a collection of grouped volumes that reflect the three main activities that the building accommodates, namely, laboratories, offices & workshops. The volumes are visually collected under large mono-pitch roofs. The offices are situated at the front with a monopitch roof rising up giving space for services distribution. The research laboratories are just behind with a flat roof to house building services, screened from view but readily accessible for maintenance and replacement. At the rear, the large workshops rise again with a monopitch roof housing larger pieces of specialist equipment.

This arrangement also ensures that the building, when viewed from the popular approach, is human in scale but rises in waves to the back, hinting at what is contained. The main entrance and spine are articulated separately and allow views to penetrate through to the various activities.

Internally the main accommodation groups are located within designated zones that provide the opportunity for simple and manageable future expansion. The central circulation and balance area, known as ‘The Street’ provides a spacious and flexible central hub for the building. The focus in all these areas is research and the floor plan is therefore organised to encourage collaborative and open working between these spaces.

The Client set high standards for sustainability. Improved building fabric performance and passive environmental systems where the principle means of reducing the carbon footprint. However, low running and maintenance costs along with a building that promotes the health and wellbeing of its occupants and contributes positively to the local environment are all features that make this building a very successful and sustainable development.

Car Park at the New Southern General Car Park at the New Southern General Car Park at the New Southern General Car Park at the New Southern General
AFRC building photos : Hypostyle Architects

Advanced Forming Research Centre images from FD

Advanced Forming Research Centre information from Hypostyle

Advanced Forming Research Centre – Award Shortlist
Advanced Forming Research Centre at Strathclyde University + Multi-Storey Car Park, Glasgow – both designed by Hypostyle Architects, Glasgow – are the only built projects in Scotland to be nominated in the annual WAF Awards – World Architecture Festival Awards.

World Architecture Festival Awards: WAF 2011 Shortlist. 17 Aug


Location: Glasgow, Strathclyde, southwest Scotland, UK


Architecture in Glasgow

The other Glasgow building design by Hypostyle Architects shortlisted for WAF Awards:

Car Park at the New Southern General Hospital
Southern General Car Park


Glasgow Building Designs

Contemporary Glasgow Property Designs – recent architectural selection below:

New Olympia House in Bridgeton

Alasdair Gray mural at Palacerigg Cumbernauld

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Comments / photos for the Advanced Forming Research CentreAFRC Strathclyde University building design by Hypostyle Architects in Strathclyde, southwest Scotland, UK, page welcome