Cart Street housing, Glasgow Residential Building Project Photos, Homes Design, Property Images

Cart Street Housing in Clydebank

Queens Gate Residential Development in southwest Glasgow design by Elder & Cannon Architects

post updated 11 August 2023 ; 13 Sep 2010

Queens Gate

Clydebank Re-Built site

Date built: 2009

Design: Elder & Cannon architects

Cart Street housing

Cart Street Housing Cart Street Housing Cart Street Housing Cart Street Housing

Semi-circular design, reminiscent of recent work at Crown Street Gorbals by CZWG and Page / Park.

Cart Street Housing Cart Street Housing Cart Street Housing Cart Street Housing

Photos © Keith Hunter Photography

More information online soon

Elder & Cannon

“The practice of Elder and Cannon was established in 1980. Its reputation has been built on achieving excellence over a diverse range of building types often in challenging and sensitive contexts. It has a strong design philosophy and seeks to provide each project with its own identity through creative solutions evolving these thoughtfully to meet and exceed client expectations.

Guided by a belief that the nature of our surroundings has a direct influence on our lives, we strive for quality in all aspects of our work. We believe that the best architecture comes from working closely with our clients, encouraging a creative and collaborative atmosphere within our office and by questioning all that we do to ensure we achieve all that we can.

Our goal is to create buildings of design excellence that are intimately connected to their context and function, which are detailed and executed to the highest standard and represent best value.”
source: architects website

Clydebank Rebuilt
Clydebank Rebuilt
photo © Andrew Lee

Elder & Cannon Glasgow Buildings

Housing by Elder & Cannon – Strathclyde homes selection below:

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1073 Argyle Street
photo © Keith Hunter

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Glasgow Cross
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photo © Adrian Welch

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Comments / photos for the Cart Street housing Glasgow design by Elder & Cannon Architects – Queens Gate residential development in southwest of the city, Strathclyde, west Scotland, UK, page welcome