The Lighthouse Building Glasgow, Scotland’s Centre for Architecture news, Scottish design exhibitions

The Lighthouse Glasgow

Scotland’s National Architecture and Design Centre, UK : News re the future of the building

12 Mar 2012

The Lighthouse Glasgow News

The Lighthouse building is to open on Sundays from the 1st of April.

Opening times: Mon-Sat: 10.30 – 17.00

from April 1 2012 also open on Sundays: 12.00 – 17.00.

Entry to the building is free

19 Mar 2010

The Lighthouse Glasgow Future


Glasgow City Council today unveiled plans to secure the future of Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Lighthouse building as Scotland’s National Centre for Architecture and Design.

Principal to the five-storey building’s future is the positive discussion held with the Scottish Executive and Architecture and Design Scotland that will see them expand their presence in the Lighthouse and their range of activities.

The Lighthouse Glasgow
photograph : David Churchill

One of the Council’s first priorities is to populate the centre with tenants while being mindful of the need to strike an appropriate balance between commercial and sponsored activities (significant funding was originally received from Heritage Lottery Fund, Arts Lottery and European Regional Development Fund to establish a cultural centre promoting architecture and design.)

There are also plans to install a bookshop on the ground floor dedicated to architecture and design, something which Glasgow’s design community says is needed in the city centre following the closure of the Borders bookshop in December.

The permanent Rennie Mackintosh exhibition remains on the third floor and it is hoped that the other galleries and display spaces can be used as temporary exhibition space which amongst other things may display objects from the Museum of Transport while it relocates to its new riverside location. There are also plans for a semi permanent exhibition on Glasgow.

Cordia, the council’s arms length company that provides facilities management, catering, hospitality and cleaning services, has taken over the running of the bistro on the fifth floor that affords views of the city centre skyline.

Lighthouse Glasgow
photo : David Churchill

Councillor George Ryan, executive member for business and the economy, said: “From the outset of the Lighthouse Trust’s financial troubles the Council has always said that it would investigate all the options to keep the Lighthouse financially viable and open for business. It is an important base for Glasgow and the country’s cultural industries and we were keen not to lose this.

“This new financial year, 2010 to 2011, will be a still be a transitional period for the Lighthouse but we have already accepted conference and event bookings for this year and are buoyed by the considerable support we have received from the architecture and design community across Scotland.

“Long-term we are keen to see the Lighthouse operate on a robust commercial basis and we are currently developing a year business plan that will cover the next three years. The Council and a reference group of people from within the Scottish creative industry community are helping us to evaluate a range of measures including introducing incubator units for fledgling design companies, gallery and exhibition space, a new bookshop and housing commercial tenants.”

The Council’s plan to revert to the original vision for the Lighthouse and consolidate its core business comes after the Lighthouse Trust that had operated the building since 1999 went into administration in November, last year

On completion of the administration process the lease of the Lighthouse building and those of the tenants reverted to the Council, as owners of the building.

With its financial and staff resources and experience in operating properties across the city, the Council is in a good position to support the Lighthouse and drive forward future plans.

The Lighthouse Glasgow
image : David Churchill

In addition, with their wealth of experience in attracting and hosting major conferences and events to the city Glasgow City Marketing Bureau will provide marketing support for Lighthouse events and services.

The Council is also keen to see a charitable organisation take over the ‘head’ lease and operate the property as a partnership with the Council that would mean that the building would be exempt from business rates and help to reduce operating overheads. Discussions are underway with Culture and Sport Glasgow regarding this proposal.

The Lighthouse Building Glasgow information from Glasgow City Council 190310

The Lighthouse Glasgow News Update
11 Nov 2009

A+DS @ The Lighthouse
Architecture + Design Scotland to take on (former) Lighthouse Trust employees and programmes. This will include its education and ACCESS national programme and Sust. The Lighthouse will continue as Scotland’s national centre for architecture and design.

The Lighthouse Glasgow – Funding News
entry, javier marischal
Lighthouse Glasgow photo © Adrian Welch
Glasgow Architecture venuw scoops another £1m from the Scottish Executive despite recent creation of Architecture + Design Scotland – AD+S. 1 Apr 2005

Housed in a building partly designed by Rennie Mackintosh Architect

The Lighthouse Glasgow : Building Description
The Lighthouse Glasgow
image : David Churchill

The Lighthouse Glasgow – Virtual Architecture Centre PR : 17 Apr 2001

Architecture in Strathclyde

The Lighthouse – Glasgow Herald Building

Glasgow Buildings

Lighthouse Sust – Sust

For current Glasgow Debates + Exhibitions see Glasgow Talks

The Lighthouse Achievement Award

of the past

Comments / photos for The Lighthouse Glasgow Building design by Page Park Archtects page welcome.
