Martha Street Building, Chris Stewart Group Glasgow George Square Project, Council Parish Halls Flats, Housing
Martha Street Development
Glasgow George Square Development for CSG design by Hoskins Architects
9 Dec 2015
Design: Hoskins Architects
Martha Street Development
Plans have been unveiled to develop a complex of mixed-use buildings just off Glasgow’s George Square.
Martha Street Development in Glasgow
Proposals by the Chris Stewart Group for 59 serviced apartments, 375 student flats and 23,688 sqft of commercial space on vacant property which it acquired from Glasgow City Council for £5.1m in May 2015.
The property on Martha Street is part of a new development which also includes the A-listed Council Parish Halls on George Street.
The plans also take in former B-listed council offices in George Street, a council car park in John Street, two garages in North Frederick Street and a vacant site at the corner of George Street and John Street.
Central to the plans is the opening up of a lane through the site to provide a pedestrian thoroughfare and cultural hub for the local community with cafes, restaurants, boutiques and galleries.
Chris Stewart, CEO of Chris Stewart Group, said: “This is an important site and we welcome all views as we shape our ideas and designs.
“We want to create a vibrancy for the area and intend to turn this derelict and run down group of buildings into a dynamic and lively new destination for the city.
“To do that, we are looking at a mix of new uses for the buildings; uses that we expect will deliver an economic boost for local traders, together with considerable benefits for local residents and visitors to the city.”
Councillor George Redmond, executive member for jobs, business and investment at Glasgow City Council, said: “These are very exciting plans for this important site in the heart of Glasgow city centre. The council has worked very closely with the developers and Historic Scotland to get this stage, and I am sure many people are looking forward to seeing the initial proposals at the exhibition.”
The exhibition will took place at 266 George Street – in the former Parish Halls building – on Tuesday December 8 between 2pm and 8pm.
Hoskins Architects
CSG Property Developments in Scotland
Advocate’s Close, Edinburgh property development by Chris Stewart Group
Baxter’s Place, Edinburgh development by Chris Stewart Group
George Square Redevelopment
Scheme 2 – George Square design by John McAslan & Partners:
George Square, looking northwest towards Queen Street Station:
photo © Adrian Welch
Queen Street Glasgow station building
George Square Building Redevelopment : G1 – Former Post Office building redevelopment
George Square Building – Glasgow City Chambers:
image © Adrian Welch
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