Queen St Paisley flats, Gareth Hoskins architecture, New Scottish residential building photos
Queen St Paisley Housing by Gareth Hoskins Architects
Housing & Day Centre for Loretto Housing Association, Scotland, UK
post updated 13 December 2023
Housing and Day Centre, Queen Street, Paisley, Strathclyde, southwest Scotland, UK
Design: Gareth Hoskins Architects
Queen Street Paisley housing pictures : Andrew Lee
Queen Street Paisley
Queen Street Housing in Paisley
A development of 27 flats for Loretto Housing Association within a busy site in the centre of Paisley.
This building is predominantly set back from the pavement line in order to create an improved outlook and increased daylight for all dwellings to Queen Street. The communal front garden creates a focal point for mainstream and supported tenants, as well as the existing residents of the street. Parking and private gardens are located to the rear.
All but one of the 27 flats has two double bedrooms, and eight flats are specifically designed for those with physical disabilities.
This Paisley housing project looked at creating an accessible environment for tenants with a range of physical disabilities, supported by on site day care facilities, to provide safe and independent living within the town centre.
Photos © Andrew Lee Photographer, Glasgow
Gareth Hoskins Architects : Loretto Housing Association information Sep 2005
Queen Street Paisley Photos © Andrew Lee Photographer, Glasgow
Loation: Queen Street, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Strathclyde, southwest Scotland, UK
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Comments / photos for the Queen Street Paisley – Loretto Housing Association Flats by Gareth Hoskins Architects in Strathclyde, southwest Scotland, United Kingdom, page welcome