Central Scotland Forest Trust HQ, Architect, Location, Scottish Building, Image

Central Scotland Forest Trust Headquarters : CSFT Shotts

CSFT, Shotts, Glasgow, Scotland – design by Morris & Steedman Associates

Central Scotland Forest Trust HQ

Design: Morris & Steedman Associates

CSFT, Shotts Central Scotland Forest Central Scotland Forest
HQ: images by Morris and Steedman Associates

CSFT Shotts

Design sketches for the central scotland forest trust hq in shotts and we have recently received planning consent for the proposals. for us (and other architects) it is an interesting project for several reasons. we have a very good client who’s design agenda is to reflect what they do as an organisation in the architecture of their hq.

the objectives of the csft:
It acts in a strategic and influencing role, defining the vision, assembling the means and resources, engaging and co-ordinating partners, promoting the Forest and woodlands, encouraging action and monitoring progress.

It acts as an implementer, undertaking projects including woodland planting (on derelict land, farmland and in urban areas), woodland management, access and recreation works (paths and facilities) and a range of community projects and landscape improvements.

To encourage a strong local economy, CSFT, wherever possible, employs locally based contractors and suppliers, and provides operational opportunities for work-based training and volunteering.

It aims to double the woodland cover to 34000 hectares by 2015. Our practice is well known for it’s work with historic buildings and new build in sensitive surroundings. this building says a lot about what we do because there are elements of building conservation in the existing farm steadings and our new building (while contemporary) is a form driven by the rural nature of the site.

Central Scotland Forest Trust HQ images / information from Morris & Steedman Associates

Morris and Steedman Associates – Scottish Projects
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Comments / photos for the Central Scotland Forest Trust HQ Architecture page welcome

Central Scotland Forest Trust Building – page

Website: www.csft.org.uk