Glasgow Institute of Architects 2002 Winners, Citations Info, Commendations, Forms

GIA Awards 2002 Winners News

GIA Awards – Tickets, Venue, Date – Architecture Prize Strathclyde

post updated 11 August 2023


GIA Design Awards 2002

Glasgow Institute of Architects Awards 2002

GIA Awards Citations

After two evenings shortlisting entries for the GIA Awards 2002, Joan, Irene, Alistair and I took three days to visit all of the projects and get a first-hand impression of the work. As you learn over again when you visit a city or indeed see something built that you have drawn, the reality is always different than the expectation. And I’ll leave it as ambiguous as that.

There were three things that made our journeys so pleasant. The first of course was spending a few days seeing some of the best new work in Scotland. The second was that we readily enjoyed each other’s company. The third thing was a tad unexpected, sadly. Simply, that we met so many thrilled clients, including people who had been introduced, sometimes unexpectedly, to architecture. People whose lives had been enriched, sometimes modestly and sometimes ambitiously.

GIA Awards: Housing

Housing Commendation
McFarlane House by KAP

Mr MacFarlane noted that the family now lived differently, that its centre had gravitated to the rear with its stunning view. The addition to a generic 1950s house is clever in its use of structure and windows to allow a big yet cosy space. On the exterior, it doesn’t attempt to blend in politely but quietly asserts itself. As Alistair said, a contractor’s nightmare that was very well constructed.

Housing Award 1
Waddell House by KAP
With the addition the architects reated an enfilade through the existing house with an unashamedly high-art architecture vocabulary of planes and outdoor rooms. There is also clear homage to Le Corbusier, especially in the way colour is used.

Housing Award 2
The Granary in Elie by McKeown Alexander
Anintervention which e accentuates the existing structure and volume, which preserves the feel of being on the top floor of the old granary without resorting to doing as little as possible or creating an unliveable art piece. In fact, it feels as comfortable for family life as for a couple, and we want to know if we can rent it for a weekend.

GIA Awards: Offices

Offices Commendation
Scottish Enterprise HQ by BDP
A new concept of office working which the architects translated into an the image of innovation and contentment that the client wanted. And I must say that people there did seem happy. Perhaps most impressive was the massing and the coordination of materials on a difficult site on the river. It is impressively detailed and built.

Offices Award
JP Morgan Chase Building, Murray and Dunlop
It is very difficult to wrest architecture out of a speculative office building in an office park. The architects made a few, simple, strong moves formally and succeeding in making a piece of architecture with a strong identity from the most unpropitious beginnings. A very controlled piece of work.

No Awards
No Award
GIA Awards: Conservation
Conservation Award
Glasgow New Synagogue, by McKeown Alexander
A few well chosen spots highlight and transform a non-descript hall into something spiritual . The ceiling of the main hall was especially impressive in its use of lighting, in creating a spiritual architecture where there was none. There was a nice consistency of concept in the design, with sharp and economical detailing.

GIA Awards: Small Works
Small Works Commendation
McGovan House, Bearsden by McKeown Alexander
The economy of thought for a rear addition was very impressive: two big roofs with skylights. The client said that the architects told him to trust them on creating such big volumes and is glad he did.

Small Works Award
No.1 Dardenne, Kilmacolm by Geoffrey Reid Associates
A well controlled little addition that mediates between the house and the garden. It is nicely proportioned and the varied palette of materials is sensitively detailed.

GIA Awards: Other
Other Commendation
Fieldwork by McKeown Alexander
It is precisely this kind of work, the generation of intellectual property, that architects are doing more and more of and which is slowly being recognised as a service. This is researchthat questions the way one should look at the city and how one could intervention with modest means to achieve large results.

GIA Awards 2003 exhibition by NORD architects

GIA Architecture Awards 2002
The GIA Awards 2002 which were presented at the Annual Dinner on 22 November, held in The Lighthouse.

This was a successful evening which attracted a compliment of 154 members and guests – a full house. The main speakers were Paul Hyett, President RIBA, and Russell Wardrop, Director of Kissing with Confidence.

The remaining top table guests were Gordon Davies, President RIAS, Irene Barkley, President, EAA, who was one of the judges, Professor Steven Spier, Head of Undergraduate Studies at the School of Architecture and Building Science, University of Stratchclyde, who was chairman of the judging panel, Sebastian Tombs, Chief Executive, Hon Secy and Treasurer, RIAS, Dr Stuart McDonald, Director of The Lighthouse, Alistair Wylie, MD of D. Campbell & Co, who was one of the judges, Gordon Reid, Hon Treasurer, GIA, Euan Geddes, Convenor of Communications Committee, GIA.

The Chair for the evening was Joan Scott, President GIA, who was also one of the judges.

Glasgow Institute of Architects Awards 2002 winners information from the GIA

GIA Awards : main page with current information

Glasgow Building Designs

Contemporary Glasgow Property Designs – recent architectural selection below:

Blue Sky Lounge at Ibrox Stadium
Blue Sky Lounge Ibrox Stadium Govan
image courtesy of Rangers FC

Cameron House Loch Lomond Resort

Emirates Arena Glasgow

Science Centre Glasgow

Glasgow Buildings

GIA Awards 2003


Buildings / photos for the GIA Awards 2002 Architecture page welcome