GIA Student Awards News, Glasgow Institute of Architects, Winners, Results, Info

GIA Student Awards : News + Winners

Scottish Architectural Prize – Architects + Designs

19 Jun 2012

The Holmes Miller Award News

Arseni Timofejev, a 3rd year student from The Mackintosh School of Architecture, has won this years Holmes Miller Award.

GIA Student Awards Glasgow 3rd Year Student Best Design
image from architects

Holmes Miller Award 2012

The award, supported by Glasgow architectural practice Holmes Miller, through the auspices of The Glasgow Institute of Architects (GIA), is part of the GIA’s commitment to strengthening the links between the two schools and professional practice.

Fellow judge and GIA President Michael Jarvis said:

“The GIA Student Awards recognise all years and demonstrate our support for architectural education. The Holmes Miller Award further strengthens that support. Both of the schools of architecture in Glasgow maintain an excellent standard and the judges had a very difficult choice. Arseni should be rightly proud of his achievement’.

Arseni will receive his prize at The Glasgow Institute of Architects annual Student Awards ceremony, held at The House for an Art Lover – designed by another Glasgow architect, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, who 120 years previously was also the recipient of recognition by the GIA.

The Award will be presented at the 2012 GIA Student Awards ceremony in October 2012.

Holmes Miller Award

Holmes Miller Award 2012 information from Holmes Miller

GIA Student Awards 2010 Results


Strathclyde University Department of Architecture

First Year Award – T L Watson Prize: Neal Whitaker

First Year Commendation: John Brown

Second Year Award: Marshall Inglis

Second Year Commendation: Angus Ritchie

Third Year Award: Scott Porter

Third Year Commendation: Peter Hartford-Cross

Fourth Year Award: Thomas Parker

Fourth Year Commendation: Lisa Donkin

Final Year Award – GIA Parchment: Mark Sneddon and Stuart Russell

Mackintosh School of Architecture

First Year Award – T L Watson Prize: Rachael Neville

First Year Commendation: Arseni Timofejev: Natalie Pollock

Second Year Award: Catriona Liggat

Second Year Commendation: Keith Mullen

Third Year Award: John Hudspith

Fourth Year Award: Hannah Constantine

Fourth Year Commendation: Rory Corr

Final Year Award – GIA Parchment: Alex Whitton

Final Year Commendation: Caroline Deardon: Sean Douglas

Holmes Award for Third Year Design: Scott Porter – Strathclyde University Department of Architecture

Glasgow Institute of Architects offers its congratulations to all the winning students, and wishes them much luck for the future. The awards and commendations will be presented at a ceremony to be held at the House for an Art Lover, Bellahouston Park, on 21 October 2010.

Fiona J Sinclair FRIAS, President GIA, Glasgow

GIA Awards

Glasgow Transport Museum
Glasgow Transport Museum building
picture from architect

GIA Awards 2009
Small Animal Hospital Glasgow - GIA Awards 2009 winner
photo © Andrew Lee

GIA Awards 2008

photo © Paul Zanre

GIA Awards 2007

Glasgow Buildings

Buildings / photos for the GIA Student Awards Architecture page welcome

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