New Stobhill Hospital Glasgow Building, Project Photo, Design News, Scottish Healthcare Property Image
New Stobhill Hospital Glasgow
Scottish Health Building Development in Strathclyde design by Reiach and Hall Architects
15 Nov 2011
Reiach and Hall success at the Building Better Healthcare and GIA Awards
New Stobhill Hospital Extension Award News
New Stobhill Hospital Ward Extension for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has recently received an award for Best Acute Care Design at the annual BBH Awards in London and a Healthcare Design Award at the annual GIA Awards Dinner.
This new 60 bed ward extension contains day surgery support beds, elderly rehabilitation beds, support offices and a seminar suite – complementing Reiach and Hall’s New Stobhill Hospital which won the prestigious title of UK’s Best Designed Hospital in the 2009 BBH Awards and Best Healthcare Building in the 2009 GIA Awards.
Applauded by the BBH judges for ‘bringing something innovative to the table’ – Susan Francis, head judge in the building design category, said: “This design is distinguished by the attention to detail and the success in creating a therapeutic environment for patients and a supportive workplace for staff. This is achieved by integrating art into the design, by using sympathetic materials and through the thoughtful window design to give light, views and a sense of time and place.”
The GIA President noted that “the quality, diversity and geographical location of the Award submission continues to inspire, delight and challenge the judges.”
New Stobhill Hospital
Design: Reiach and Hall Architects
BBH Awards 2009 – UK’s ‘Best Designed Hospital’ 2009
13 Nov 2009
Stobhill photos © Andy McGregor
New Stobhill Hospital Glasgow Award
Reiach and Hall’s New Stobhill Hospital is the UK’s ‘Best Designed Hospital’ 2009. The coveted ‘Award for Best Hospital Design’ was presented yesterday at the annual Building Better Healthcare Awards 2009 and follows on from last month’s Roses Design Awards where New Stobhill Hospital won ‘Best Public Building’ and best of the best Architecture Grand Prix wins.
The BBH Awards aim to “raise the bar in healthcare building design, by recognising and celebrating all the best achievers from across the field, rewarding excellence in the healthcare built environment.” The awards are the biggest healthcare building design event of the year and all shortlisted projects are judged and visited by independent advisors and professionals.
“It’s a stunning hospital…There is no reason why patients shouldn’t feel positive when they go there. It’s not dark or dingy. It is lovely and light. All hospitals should be designed like the Stobhill site in the future ” Margaret Watt, Scottish Patients Association
Stobhill photos © Andy McGregor
New Stobhill Hospital – Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award Nominee
3 Nov 2009
The new Stobhill Hospital is the first of its kind to open in Scotland with the ethos behind the project that the patient comes first: all medical tests and consultations will be carried out on the same day and on the same site if possible.
Upon entry the patient enters a full length, full height, glazed, public arcade, awash with natural light with a visible exit ahead easing the transition. The reception is immediately visible, and from it any department can be pointed out. All vertical circulation is at the centre of the space.
The arcade is the civic heart of Stobhill hospital. Its cafe has become a place for local people to meet and visit.
New Stobhill has a deceptively simple diagram – two blocks of accommodation, the north treatment block and the south consulting block, connected by the public arcade. The design delivers flexible and adaptable clinical and staff environments and uses construction capable of alteration and extension. The entire top floor is devoted to staff accommodation – generous changing areas, bright offices, staff canteen with a roof terrace and stunning views to the Campsie Fells.
Stobhill photo © Michael Wolchover
Reiach and Hall Architects
Architecture in Strathclyde
New Stobhill Hospital for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde – Awards
Building Better Healthcare UK Award for ‘Best Hospital Design’ 2009
Roses Design Awards ‘Best Public Building’ 2009
Roses Design Awards ‘best of the best’ Architecture Grand Prix winner
Roses Design Awards Reiach and Hall BD ‘Healthcare Architect of the Year’ finalist
photograph © Paul Zanre
Beatson Institute Glasgow
Maggies Glasgow by Page & Park
Glasgow Hospitals
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