Glasgow News – April 2013 : Buildings in Scotland, Architecture Information
Glasgow Building News : April 2013
Strathclyde Architectural Developments
Glasgow News – April 2013
Architecture Designs, chronological:
Scottish Planning News
Planning Minister Derek Mackay has today proposed a revamp of Scotland’s planning system which he said will place more emphasis on jobs and economic benefits to help deliver sustainable economic growth.
The third National Planning Framework (NPF3) and draft Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) will influence development plans across Scotland and guide future planning decisions on a range of sectors including transport, energy and infrastructure.
These draft proposals are supported by on-going measures to improve the overall performance of the planning system, ensuring smoother delivery and a stronger focus on economic recovery.
The NPF3 proposals set out Ministers’ priorities for where important development should take place, identifying new, large-scale national developments including:
– Two carbon capture and storage schemes at Peterhead and Grangemouth
– Prestwick Airport and adjacent Enterprise Area, focusing on the aerospace sector
For the first time Scottish Planning Policy will include references to maps of Scotland’s wild land – drawn up by Scottish Natural Heritage. In addition, Ministers propose extending the separation distance between wind farms and cities, towns and villages.
In relation to wind farms, proposals also include strengthening environmental protection in the 31 per cent of Scotland covered by our wildest and most scenic land, including no wind farms in the 19 per cent of Scotland covered by National Parks and National Scenic Areas.
The Minister visited Dundee’s Waterfront development, one of the UK’s most active regeneration projects, and a proposed national development, to announce the consultation. 30 Apr
George Square Crime
Major Crimes Unit to probe complaint over Matheson’s George Square role. The Labour leader of Glasgow City Council is to be investigated by the Major Crimes Unit over alleged misconduct during the £100,000 contest to redesign George Square, Police Scotland confirmed last night, reports the Glasgow Herald. The inquiry will be an early test for how Scotland’s new single police force handles a high-profile, politically charged case. 29 Apr
Cuningar Loop Development
Proposed £85m Wildside development, an ‘eco project’ in South Lanarkshire, going to public consultation. The developers have said their preferred site is on the Cuningar Loop in South Lanarkshire, directly opposite the Glasgow Commonwealth Village. detailed plans are due to be submitted in summer 2013. As well as a conservation area, there would also be restaurants and a hotel. Billed as an ‘eco project’ would it not be more sustainable to leave the site in its current state of wilderness? 29 Apr
St Vincent Plaza
image from developer
Purchase completed of 303 St Vincent Street and on site construction works are due to commence in a matter of days for its speculative high quality office scheme, St Vincent Plaza Glasgow, located at the gateway to Glasgow’s International Financial Services District. 26 Apr
Glasgow Architecture Tours
We were delighted to show a group of Finnish visitors around the city today – Building Control board members from all over Finland, highlights were the tour around Hillside Primary School and the visit to the Italian Centre (the sun came out at that point!). 26 Apr
Glasgow Walking Tours
Historic City Centre Fence
A mile-long fence has been constructed through the heart of Glasgow city centre, in a nod to the city’s medieval history.
Following extensive archaeological excavations in the city centre, Glasgow City Council commissioned the installation of a fence to connect the city’s last surviving medieval street, Nicholas Street, to the historic High Street. The installation was to celebrate the multi-layered history which runs through the heart of the city.
Glasgow architect ZM Architecture’s winning brief fulfilled the requirements by designing a fence that told the story of the city’s history. Accoya, manufactured by Accsys Technologies, was used to bring the project to life.
Peter Richardson, who led the project for ZM Architecture wanted to use a material that would create a maintenance free, hardwearing, durable fence, capable of holding steel plates. Working in collaboration with timber distributors Russwood, Accoya was found to be the perfect material to match their specific requirements.
Special orders were placed with Accsys Technologies’ plant in the Netherlands to meet the requirements of the project. Accoya boards were designed to hold aloft steel plates and shields. Each board was placed two feet apart, representing a decade of time. Steel plates were slotted in between each board adorned with city trade crests, bronze casts and laser cut symbols, conveying the city’s history back to the 1210, when Nicholas Street was first established.
Accoya, created by using a proprietary acetylation process on sustainably FSC sourced, legal wood, results in an attractive wood which matches or exceeds the properties of tropical hardwood. The unrivalled durability and stability of Accoya made the material ideal for an environment like Glasgow, which is susceptible to long periods of heavy, constant rain. Accoya provided the structure with unrivalled strength, ensuring the fence will remain stable.
Peter, Richardson, from ZM Architecture commented: “Russwood introduced us to Accoya and provided us with the technical detailing necessary for the project, which in turn transformed our design and installation ideas. The properties of the wood made for an incredibly easy and efficient on-site installation of the fence.”
Bryan Crennell Sales and Marketing Director, Accsys Technologies added; “Unlike other products on the market, Accoya provides architects with the option of a wood which is durable, stable and sustainable, whilst offering all the best qualities of the best tropical hardwoods. Accoya’s 50 year guarantee above ground and 25 year in ground against rot and decay will ensure Glasgow’s medieval fence can withstand the passage of time.”
Hamilton Bus Station
Hamilton Bus Station has opened following the completion of an extensive redevelopment project. The building design by Austin-Smith:Lord provides a vastly improved passenger experience and upgraded transport interchange. 23 Apr
Glasgow Headquarters for Scottish Power
image from developer
Scottish Power Headquarters Glasgow
Scottish Power has received approval for its new £100m headquarters building. Planning approval to relocate from its current HQ in the city’s South Side to the corner of St Vincent Street and India Street was granted earlier this week and work is expected to begin later this year on a 14-storey block. The development will be erected on a derelict site which was previously used as the HQ of Strathclyde Regional Council. 19 Apr
Commonwealth Games Pool
£14m project to refurbish Tollcross Swimming Centre completed. The building in Glasgow’s East End will be used during the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Tollcross International Swimming Centre will open to the public on 24 May. 19 Apr
Collegelands Regeneration Project
photo © Keith Hunter
Collegelands Regeneration Project. 18 Apr
Blackwood Primary School
photo © Keith Hunter
Blackwood School Lanark. 18 Apr
American Hotel by Graven Images
Radisson Blu Mall of America, Minnesota, USA
The newly-opened Radisson Blu Mall of America (MOA), directly connected to over 500 shops and restaurants in one of the world’s biggest shopping malls, features stunning interiors by Glasgow designer Graven Images inspired by its unique retail environment; the character and history of its location in Bloomington, Minnesota; and the European design influence, integral to its parent brand’s DNA. 18 Apr
Scottish Cinema Building
Birks Cinema in Aberfeldy, Perthshire, by Robin Baker Architects
A building restoration in the Highland town of Aberfeldy. Local architect Robin Baker, who moved to the area over 20 years ago to work with the late eco-architect Howard Liddell, has just completed the restoration of the cinema, which opened on a corner of the town square in 1939 and closed over 30 years ago. 17 Apr
Albert Bridge
The category A listed Albert Bridge from 1871 is to be restored. It connects Saltmarket and Crown Street and named after Prince Albert. The restoration is due to cost £2.6m with the focus on renewing the deteriorating cast iron parapets. 17 Apr
Pacific Quay Hotels
Two major hotel operators are progressing new developments at Pacific Quay in Glasgow, reports the BBC today. Premier Inn confirmed it would start construction work soon on a 180-bedroom hotel and restaurant opposite the new Hydro arena. And De Vere Group plans to start work next month on a new “urban resort” – 120-bedroom hotel + health & fitness centre, bar, restaurant and a Starbucks outlet – just south of BBC Scotland’s headquarters. Both are due to open in time for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. 13 Apr
Glasgow Women’s Library
image from Collective Architecture
Funding campaign launched for remodelling of Carnegie Library by Collective Architecture to create an archive for the Glasgow Women’s Library. The public library previously in the building recently moved to the redeveloped Olympia by Page Park Architects. The archive at the grade B listed 1906 library building in Bridgeton is not due to open until 2018. 11 Apr
Speirs + Major Light Installation
Utrecht Light Installation, The Netherlands
A new light installation called ‘in lumine tuo…’ designed by Speirs + Major was unveiled on last night. The piece is intended as both as a centrepiece for the city and as a fitting culmination to the ‘Trajectum Lumen’ initiative, a trail of artistic illumination that winds its way through the city centre every evening on the hour. 12 Apr
New Glasgow City College Campus Design Approved
Design: Reiach and Hall Architects and Michael Laird Architects
picture from architect
New Glasgow City College Building
Approval granted for the City of Glasgow College to move to the next stage of their ambitious, £228m development for two new world leading College campuses – on Cathedral Street in the city centre and at Thistle Street on the banks of the River Clyde. 9 Apr
Scottish Architecture
Jonathan Glancey explores Scotland’s physical and spiritual landscape to discover more about architects Isi Metzstein and Andrew MacMillan, who revolutionised church design:
Scottish Architecture – external link to BBC iplayer. 9 Apr
Saltire Housing Design Awards
The Saltire Society has launched its annual Housing Design Awards with the news that renowned Scottish Broadcaster and journalist Lesley Riddoch will be the awards’ guest chair for 2013. Ms Riddoch succeeds high-profile Scottish architects Dick Cannon, John McAslan and Malcolm Fraser to the post, which will see her chair the Society’s panel of industry leaders in their assessment of housing projects from all over Scotland. 3 Apr
Homes for Scotland Awards 2013
Following another record number of entries, the shortlist for trade body Homes for Scotland’s 2013 awards has been announced. Developed to recognise best practice and help to further raise standards across the home building industry, categories focus on the four highly relevant “P’s” of: people, process, product and partnership, encompassing a range of important policy issues impacting the industry’s success. The Society also announced that Jude Barber, Director of Collective Architecture has taken on the convenership of the awards this year, succeeding Jane Paterson, who remains on the judging panel. 3 Apr
Antonine Wall Public Consultation
Communities along the Antonine Wall are being encouraged to play their part in finalising the new five year management plan for the World Heritage Site (WHS).
The 12-week consultation, led by Historic Scotland and the five local authorities through which the Wall runs, seeks to encourage communities and all interested parties to comment on the Draft Management Plan. The plan has been drawn up following a series of stakeholder workshops and public sessions at the end of last year. The draft sets out the vision and key objectives for the management, conservation, promotion and interpretation of the Wall over the coming five year period.
The 60-kilometre Antonine Wall became a World Heritage Site in 2008 and joined the Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site, alongside Hadrian’s Wall and the German Limes. The Wall stretches from Bo’ness on the River Forth to Old Kilpatrick on the River Clyde.
Since its inscription as a WHS, significant progress has been made to protect and promote the Wall. The Partners who deliver the Management Plan; Historic Scotland, East Dunbartonshire Council, Falkirk Council, Glasgow City Council, North Lanarkshire Council, and West Dunbartonshire Council – have been working jointly to deliver projects and strategies ensure the social, cultural and economic potential of the Antonine Wall is maximised in their local areas.
The next five year plan aims to build on that and continue the momentum that has been created. The draft plan can be viewed and downloaded at and comments can be submitted via or by post to Patricia Weeks, Historic Scotland, Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh EH9 1SH.
Patricia Weeks, the Antonine Wall World Heritage Site Co-ordinator said: “We had some excellent stakeholder and public workshops late last year which has helped inform the draft plan. We are now seeking a thorough and constructive debate on the document to ensure the communities along the Wall can play their part in shaping the final plan which will be launched later this year.
“The five year plan is a commitment to UNESCO as part of World Heritage Status and it will act as the joint strategy for all the main partners involved in the management, protection and promotion of the Wall. Therefore, we are very keen for as many people along the length of the Wall as well as all interested parties to comment on the plan and provide feedback and suggestions so it reflects what is expected over the coming five years.”
The public consultation will close on 28 June 2013. Further information on the Antonine Wall World Heritage Site can be found at:
Glasgow News for March 2013
Scottish Buildings Archive
Glasgow Fort to expand
Location: Glasgow, Strathclyde, southwest Scotland, UK
Glasgow Building Designs
Contemporary Glasgow Property Designs – recent architectural selection below:
Candleriggs Square Apartments Merchant City
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