New South Glasgow Hospital Campus, Glasgow Building Project News, Design Images

South Glasgow Hospital Development Building

New South Glasgow Hospital Campus design by Nightingale Associates architects

10 Oct 2013

South Glasgow Hospital Clinical Research Facility
The University of Glasgow has been awarded £10m towards the development of a new clinical research facility at the South Glasgow Hospitals Campus – more on the October news page.

New South Glasgow Hospital Construction News

5 Feb 2013
Construction on the New South Glasgow Hospital build
The site of the New South Glasgow Hospital has been transformed by the building of the Adult and Children’s Hospitals. Designed by IBI Nightingale (formerly Nightingale Associates, now part of the IBI Group, headquartered in Canada), the £842m publicly funded development, scheduled for completion in 2015, will give Glasgow one of the most advanced hospitals in the UK and will be the largest critical care complex in Scotland.

New South Glasgow Hospital Campus New South Glasgow Hospital Building
New South Glasgow Hospital Campus images from architects

New South Glasgow Hospital architect – IBI Group – IBI Nightingale – ranked the world’s third largest architecture practice

7 Mar 2011

New South Glasgow Hospital News

Demolition is now complete in preparation for the New South Glasgow Hospital build

The site of the New South Glasgow Hospital has undergone extensive demolition and enabling works have now commenced to prepare for the build of the Adult and Children’s Hospitals. Designed by Nightingale Associates, the £842 million ‘super hospital’ is Scotland’s largest single investment in healthcare services ever.

New South Glasgow Hospital South Glasgow Hospital Campus
New South Glasgow Hospital Campus images by Nightingale Associates

The new hospital, located on the Govan site, has the potential to become one of the most advanced medical campuses in Europe. It could also catalyse economic and social regeneration in Scotland. The local community will benefit from new infrastructure, particularly improvements to public transport and access to amenities and pedestrian routes.

Nightingale Associates’ design has been inspired by Glasgow’s maritime heritage. The scheme has been fragmented into three sections. The ‘dock’ is a three-storey podium, which houses 29 operating theatres, diagnostic, outpatient, ambulatory care and emergency facilities. Above this structure, an eight storey ‘beacon’ with 1,109 single en-suite bedrooms arranged across 34 wards, will offer views over the surrounding landscape. Finally, the children’s hospital, dubbed the ‘vessel’, will be physically linked to the adult hospital and has 256 beds divided into four-bedded bays known as ‘Cruciform’ wards.

Brookfield Multiplex is the principal contractor of the project, which has been commissioned by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. The masterplan and landscaping for the immense site has been designed by Gillespies.

Neil Murphy, London Office Principal and Project Director, said: “The design is progressing at pace, the site is currently being made ready in terms of enabling works. Construction of the new hospitals project and support facilities is due to start on site in spring 2011.” The adult and children’s hospital is set to be completed by February 2015.

New South Glasgow Hospital images / information from Nightingale Associates

24 Jan 2011

South Glasgow Hospital

£842m ‘super hospital’ designed by Nightingale Associates gets final approval

The finalised plan by Brookfield Construction has been approved by the Government. South Glasgow Hospital is one of the largest hospitals ever commissioned to be built in the UK.

6 Nov 2009

South Glasgow Hospital Building

Nightingale Associates and Tribal win £840m ‘super hospital’ contract

Practice defies recession with largest ever win in redevelopment of Glasgow’s Southern General hospital

Nightingale Associates, as part of the Brookfield Construction’s UK consortium, has today been announced as the practice that will design the £840 million super hospital’ in Glasgow city centre. The New South Glasgow Hospital Campus will not only be the largest contract won in the practice’s twenty year history, but will also be one of the largest hospitals ever commissioned to be built in the UK.

The practice, along with its health planners, Tribal, beat two other shortlisted teams to win the contract; Laing O’Rourke with Keppie Architects and Balfour Beatty with BDP Architects.

The new complex, for which outline planning permission has already been secured, will span 170,000msq and will be one of the largest “health campuses” in Europe. It will centralise acute services currently provided by three different hospitals and will comprise of a 1,100-bed adult hospital; 240-bed children’s hospital; laboratory facilities and support accommodation. Within these facilities, the development will contain many new features including a new cancer hospital; cardiothoracic service and cardiology unit; two maternity units; two new ambulatory care hospitals, state-of-the-art screening laboratory and an A&E department.

Neil Murphy, Principal of the London studio, said:
“This is an extremely significant opportunity for Nightingale Associates. Not only for the size of the contract, but also because it marks another very significant step forward for us into the Scottish healthcare market. We are extremely excited at this news and very much looking forward to working with Brookfield Construction and the Board over the coming years.”

The new South Glasgow Hospital will form a large part of a period of dramatic change for client, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (the Board). Over the past ten years, it has been developing its Acute Services Review, which will modernise and revolutionise acute adult and children’s health services in Glasgow. The contract will be completed in four phases, and will be a complete transformation of the Board’s existing facilities. It will be funded by public capital.

The Board requires the design to reflect the importance of the project on a whole. It needs to be aesthetically stimulating and innovative, as well as having a positive impact on the city’s skyline, and create a welcoming and interesting first impression. The new buildings, which need to display the highest standards in modern design, have the potential to become iconic landmarks to the city of Glasgow, as well as setting new and exciting benchmarks in healthcare in general. The building also needs to be sympathetic to the rich history of the city, compatible with the local environment and not appearing out-of-scale within the community, whilst also being future-proof and adaptable to any changes.

New South Glasgow Hospital Campus New South Glasgow Hospital Campus New South Glasgow Hospital Campus
New South Glasgow Hospital Campus images by Nightingale Associates

Neil continued: “One of the main design features is the integration of the adult and the children’s hospitals. While each are separate buildings with their own unique identities, there are many interlinking features that will create a strong relationship between the two. Internally and externally, the use of colour will play a major role in this. Colour and texture will be used to define different areas and functions within the complex and to create appropriate identities. Natural light will be maximised where possible and attention will be given to providing pleasing views both inside the building and out. The use of colour and other design solutions will also be used for way-finding purposes, allowing users to self-navigate with ease throughout the buildings’ many functions.”

The project will also be regarded, on a wider scale, as a catalyst for further economic and social regeneration, contributing to creating higher aspirations for development in the local area. Public transport links, easy access to local amenities and pedestrian routes & links will be just some of the benefits the new complex will bring. Landscaping, which will also be an integral part of the overall design, will produce many attractive public spaces, “knitting” the complex into its surroundings.

Sustainability will also be a key element of the design, with particular low carbon emissions requirements set out by the Board. It is also essential that the building achieves a ‘Very Good’ BREEAM rating.

Craig Dixon, Director of Consulting at Tribal, said:
“Tribal is delighted that it’s health planning team will be working with the Brookfield consortium to deliver this landmark hospital project.

“This scheme is vital for the people of Glasgow and will be central to reconfiguring health services to provide new and improved health facilities for the future.”

As part of the bidding process, the Board used the competitive dialogue procedure to judge each team on certain technical and commercial matters. The design stage is now expected to start within the coming weeks, with construction of the first phase – the adults and children’s hospitals – due to start onsite in November 2010.

The project will then reach final completion of all stages in 2015.

New South Glasgow Hospital images / information from Nightingale Associates

Glasgow Hospital Buildings

Glasgow Hospital Buildings

Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank
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Golden Jubilee National Hospital
photo : Andrew Lee
Golden Jubilee National Hospital

New Stobhill Hospital
New Stobhill Hospital
photo © Andy McGregor
New Stobhill Hospital

New Victoria Hospital Glasgow
Design: HLM Architects
New Victoria Hospital Glasgow
image from architect
New Victoria Hospital Glasgow

Glasgow Transport Museum

Glasgow Royal Infirmary

Comments / photos for the South Glasgow Hospital Campus building design by Nightingale Associates architects page welcome