Building News Glasgow, Strathclyde Property Developments, Scottish Built Environment Design, Scotland

Glasgow Building Developments News

Strathclyde Architectural Developments in the West of Scotland

Strathclyde Architectural Developments Archive

News items up to October 2014:

Glasgow Building Development Design News

RSA Call to Architects


Art & Architecture – new online submission

ARCHITECTURE 1 Oct 2014 @ 5pm

Please note all submissions must be registered online

Please check website for further details:

The Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture: 0131 624 6110 E: [email protected] #RSAOpen

Glasgow Doors Open Day

15 – 21 Sep 2014

As part of European Heritage Days, Glasgow Doors Open Day is an annual, city-wide, Built Heritage Festival which takes place in the third weekend of September. The event consists of around 100 buildings opening their doors and allowing the public to access, discover and learn about them with no entrance costs.

The event also includes tours in local areas, lead by voluntary tour guides with knowledge in the specific subject/area. These tours take the form of walks, bus and subway rides. Additionally, talks (including Neil Baxter’s, now traditional lecture) and special events are organised.

A Toast To Andy

A celebration of Andy’s life is planned for Sunday 21st September.

A collection will be taken at the event to support the St Brides Tower Restoration Fund.

21.09.14, 2pm – 5pm : Old Fruitmarkett, Candleriggs, Glasgow, G1 1NQ – strictly by invitation only

Mackintosh Architecture Symposium

19 Sep 2014

Venue: Hunterian Art Gallery, Gilbert Scott Building, University Of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow

Date: Friday 19th September; 9.30am – 6.30pm

This one-day symposium focuses on the development and outputs of the major research project, ‘Mackintosh Architecture: Context, Making and Meaning’.

Speakers include the research team, Pamela Robertson, Joseph Sharples, and Nicky Imrie; and presentations by Roger Billcliffe, Ranald MacInnes, Historic Scotland, David Stark FRIAS, formerly Keppie Design, and William Kilbride, Digital Preservation Coalition. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Organised in association with the Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society.

Scottish Architecture Referendum

In favour of Independence:

Here is a comment by Scottish architect Alan Dunlop (based in Glasgow), on Scottish architecture issues.

“At present we have a Scottish architecture policy built on a failing public procurement system, in desperate need of reform. Scottish architects have always needed to look outwards and a more unique and distinct identity might assist this effort. A Yes vote could bring with it a surge of confidence in Scottish identity and culture, which might lead to a renewal in the arts in general and architecture in particular.

This referendum, however is not about architecture, nor Scottish Nationalism nor any perceived dislike of England. It is about self-determination.

If the answer is Yes on September 19th then we can expect a massive change to be made in almost every aspect of life which will require that Scots and all the people who live and work in Scotland can take control of their own political system and finances and choose how we are to be governed. A No, will mean that many bridges have been burned but there is no way to return to the status quo ante. A close outcome will mean that the question will not go away. People in all sectors have seen the outline of a different future and understand that they can change.

The economy will not collapse if Scotland goes it alone, although there may be shaky times in the London money markets-but they will get over that. There will be currency union because that is the rational, pragmatic outcome required and decisions on projects pending will go ahead. Oil revenues will continue with further development likely off the West Coast once Trident goes, but the value will go to a Scottish purse and for common benefit with the promise of an oil fund.

If No, there is likely to be a backlash from a Westminster Government that will ditch the Barnett Formula in favour of a “needs based approach” defined by a Treasury that is charged with delivering billions more of austerity cuts.”

Comment from Alan Dunlop architect, 15 Sep 2014

Scottish Architecture Issues

In favour of the Union:

Here is a comment by Scottish architect Alan Dickson (based in Skye), on Scottish architecture issues.

“Scottish architecture has never been defined by identity alone. Mackintosh, Thomson, Playfair, Adam, Macmillan and Metzstein were architects with expansive views. It is an architecture uniquely of place, yet curiously influenced by many cultures.

This rich architectural legacy has been undertaken for three centuries within an outward looking, enterprising and diverse United Kingdom, and I would argue largely because of it.

Post referendum I will be no more, or no less Scottish than I am already. However if it is a yes vote I will feel that I have lost part of my identity, which defines me as much as my home nation.

Nationalism is a backward step. It is erecting barriers, physical, cultural and economic, both visible and invisible, that have not existed before. It risks our economic prosperity and will destroy all that is good and essentially optimistic about the UK.

Architecture should be defined by landscape, and climate, and culture which will not change post referendum. However it is also defined by prosperity, our ongoing economic recovery will inevitably be stalled, major decisions put on hold, while the politicians scrap over the pieces. I have no doubt that one day, Scotland could and would stand on its own two feet economically, but at what price, and for how much pain and damage over 5, 10 or 20 years.

This is not to say things are perfect, and steps must be taken to address the issues that affect the whole of the UK. A “no” vote will still bring change, and we can gradually continue to work our way to a more federal UK, that acknowledges the best of all our nations whilst still retaining our essential whole.”

Comment from Alan Dickson, Rural Design Architects, 15 Sep 2014

Drawing Counterpoints

16 Sep – 27 Oct 2014

House for an Art Lover, Café Gallery

Alan Dunlop & Peter Murray

Drawing Counterpoints

This joint by exhibition of work by the architect, Alan Dunlop> and artist, Peter Murray at House for an Art Lover features new drawings and paintings that explore their individual approaches to the urban landscape.


RMJM directors Peter Morrison and Declan Thompson face three years in prison over unpaid wages, reports the Architects Journal. Hong Kong’s Labour Department has launched proceedings against them.

Scottish Parliament

Scottish architects seem to favour independence: 59% of the nearly 160 architects who voted in AJ’s recent online survey said they were in favour of the country cutting its ties with the UK.

On Monday, at an event organised by the Architects for Yes group, the Scottish secretary for culture, Fiona Hyslop, said: ‘The referendum has engaged people in politics in a way I have never seen before.’ I don’t want our talent to have to go to London, reports the Architects Journal. She added: ‘I don’t want our talent to have to go to London to be able to do what they trained to do. We need to showcase the talent of our architects internationally.’

The Architects for Yes (who have set out case for Scots independence) group recently came under fire from architect Richard Murphy. Architects such as Paul Stallan, Alan Dunlop and Peter wilson have come out for the Yes campaign and architects such as Richard Murphy, Alan Dickson and Lee Ivett for the No campaign.

Commonwealth Lecture

Date: 3 Sep 7.00pm – 9.00pm

Hamburg City Park – its Centenary Year – Frank-Pieter Hesse and Heino Grunert

Glasgow City Heritage Trust, in collaboration with Architecture and Design Scotland and The Lighthouse are happy to announce The Commonwealth Lecture Series. Speakers are traveling from various countries to speak at the series, which will primarily focus on placemaking and sustainability. Lectures will cover a wide range of innovative and exciting topics.

The lectures are free to GCHT Friends or £5 donation for non-friends. Please note, booking is essential. To book please email: info(at) or call 0141 552 1331.

Reid Building Film

Reid Building at The Glasgow School of Art, A Conversation with Steven Holl & Chris McVoy on Vimeo

Reid Building at The Glasgow School of Art, A Conversation with Steven Holl & Chris McVoy

Steven Holl Architects in collaboration with Spirit of Space has created two short films on the Reid Building at The Glasgow School of Art, which opened in April 2014.

The film series explores the complementary contrast of the new Reid Building and Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s 1909 Glasgow School of Art, where each work of architecture heightens the integral qualities of the other. The first film features Steven Holl and Chris McVoy discussing the design of the Reid Building, and its symbiotic relation to Mackintosh’s School of Art. The second film takes the viewers on a poetic climb up and through the social circuit, which purposefully encourages inter-disciplinary activity, with the hope to inspire positive energy for the future of art.

PechaKucha Night 21: Pretty Vacant

11 Sep at The Whisky Bond, 2 Dawson Rd, Glasgow

Architecture and Design Scotland curate Pretty Vacant at The Whisky Bond where a range of speakers will give their own take on transforming vacant space, animating public space and urban food growing. As many of you know, PechaKucha is a simple idea: 20 images for 20 seconds each making talks that last just under 7 minutes. It’s a format that keeps things concise and moving at a rapid pace.

Springburn Winter Gardens Competition

Extended Deadline Date: 28 Aug

The Glasgow Institute of Architects is pleased to announce an architectural design competition in partnership with Springburn Winter Gardens Trust. The competition is titled, “An intervention at Springburn Winter Gardens; to provide a place where people can gather and share collective memories.” The competition is now live on the GIA website.

This competition is in partnership with MAKlab. In an innovative twist, all intervention designs will be 3D digitally printed. The GIA hopes that this competition will provide an opportunity for architects to experiment and trial contemporary digital media with a Glasgow based company.

The submission date has been moved from Thursday 21st August to Thursday 28th August at midday.

Professor Andy MacMillan OBE FRIAS 1928-2014

18 Aug 2014 – Professor Andy MacMillan OBE FRIAS has died, reports the RIAS today:

“It is with very great sadness that the Royal Incorporation notifies its members and friends of the death of Professor Andrew (Andy) MacMillan.

Andy MacMillan died suddenly on Saturday 16th August in Inverness, during this year’s RIAS Andrew Doolan Awards visits, which he was chairing. RIAS President, Iain Connelly, also one of the Awards judges, commented,

“Andy was a great architect, an educator of international renown and one of the finest human beings it has been my privilege to know. His influence on generations of students at the Mackintosh School of Architecture and in the many other institutions where he taught, was immense.

2014 GIA Design Awards

All entries will be available to view on the website from 1st September 2014.

The GIA Design Awards are sponsored by Lightworks Scotland. The annual GIA Awards are recognised at local and national level and are one of the main highlights of the annual GIA programme.

All entries will be featured on the GIA website and selected entries will feature in the GIA Annual Awards Publication. The Supreme Award winner, Awards winners and Commendations will be announced at the GIA Annual Members Dinner on 14 November 2014.

This year’s categories include:

* Conservation

* Education

* Healthcare

* Leisure/Arts

* Office/Commercial/Industrial/Retail

* Residential

* Small Works (under £250,000)

All entries will be considered for additional awards – The GIA Sustainability Award and the GIA Supreme Award.

The awards are open to Chartered Architects, individuals or practices based in the GIA Chapter area. They are also open to practices that are not members of the GIA but have completed buildings within the GIA Chapter area.

Buildings should be complete at the time of entry submission (completion between June 2013 and August 2014). For full entry details please visit the GIA web page. Up to 6 images can be submitted. The entry fee is £59.99 per submission.

Judges will be assessing entries against the criteria of ‘good architecture and buildings, whether new or adapted, which express good design in terms of function and effectiveness as well as aesthetics’.

The deadline for entries was 22nd August 2014.

Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014

Emirates Arena Glasgow
photo : McAteer Photograph

Emirates Arena and The Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome designed by 3DReid – the principal venue in the east end

Commonwealth Games at The Hydro

The Hydro
picture © Foster + Partners

The Hydro Glasgow designed by Foster + Partners – the principal venue in the west end

Commonwealth Games Glasgow

Stirling Society of Architects Design Awards 2014 Deadline


Projects should have been completed between 31 March 2013 and 1 August 2104 within the SSA Chapter Area (Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire).

Winning Entries

The winning designers and client will receive a certificate confirming the award.


Submission to be in the form of artwork for an A1 landscape format presentation board (.pdf format). File size not to exceed 10Mb and be submitted by email to the address below. Submissions to include information on design team members and construction cost, location plan and scheme design/planning drawings.

Submissions to be returned by email to the Secretary, Louise Fields: info(at)

Deadline for submissions: 1 August 2014

Architect in the Hoose 2014

Following the success of the Architect in the House scheme, which has now come to an end, the RIAS has decided to launch a similar Scottish based scheme to raise money for the Architects Benevolent Society (ABS).

The ABS cares for architects, assistants, technologists and landscape architects and their dependents providing practical and financial help to people of all ages who have experienced redundancy, illness, accident or bereavement.

RIAS chartered architects can help the Architects Benevolent Society (ABS) make a lasting difference to the lives of architects and their families in need by giving an hour of their time by signing up to Architect in the Hoose. You might even get a job out of it.

The mechanics are simple – you get matched with a homeowner in your area looking to improve or expand. You give them a free 60 minute consultation and they make a suggested donation of £25 to ABS. Your Architect in the Hoose consultation could of course lead to a paid commission.

Registration opens on 4th August and matching will take place continuously until the end of September. Consultations should take place by the 30th November 2014.

If you would like to sign up – please go to and download a registration form. Alternatively, email Charlene Rankin crankin(at) for more information.

Hampden Park, Scotland’s National Stadium

Hampden Park
image of the renewed stadium : Glasgow 2014

Hampden Park in Glasgow is the Commonwealth Games’ most innovative construction project with its transformation into an IAAF-approved athletics track.

GIA ‘RIAS to RIBA’ Charity Bike Ride

On the 19th September the GIA’s team of 10 architect cyclists will attempt to complete a journey of 440 miles in just four days. They will set off from RIAS HQ in Edinburgh and tackle the challenging route to the RIBA building in London, according to the RIAS.

The challenge is being led by current GIA President, Michael Dougall and is in support of the Architects Benevolent Society (ABS). The GIA has been a regular benefactor to ABS, the only registered charity in the UK dedicated to helping past and present architects, assistants, AT Professionals and landscape architects and their families.

ABS help people of all ages who have experienced illness, accident, redundancy, unemployment, bereavement or other personal misfortune. ABS’s qualified welfare team can advise about state benefits, housing concerns, needs related to care and mobility, respite holidays for carers and much more.

Please help to support ABS with a donation through JustGiving.

Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving – they’ll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity. So it’s the most efficient way to donate – saving time and cutting costs for the charity.

RIAS Awards 2014 Winners

The Hydro
image : Foster + Partners

RIAS Winners 2014

19 Jun 2014 – RIAS Announces 13 Winners in Awards

The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) has announced 13 winners, representing the very best of current Scottish architecture, at its annual Awards Dinner held in Glasgow last night.

The judging panel included Marjorie Appleton FRIAS, Doug Read PPRIAS, Liz Davidson OBE Hon FRIAS, Craig White RIBA and George Oldham RIAS RIBA, representing the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Iain Connelly, President of the RIAS, commented:

“83 submissions from throughout Scotland, ranging in cost from £26,000 to £125m, is a tremendous vote of confidence. It absolutely confirms that this award, in only its third year, is now the single most important recognition of architectural achievement in Scotland.”

In the third year of the restyled awards the RIAS has again teamed up with Forestry Commission Scotland/Wood for Good and Historic Scotland but also this year with the Scottish Government for our three prestigious sub-category awards.

RIAS Lifetime Achievement Award 2014

Margaret Richards FRIARS
image from RIAS

Outstanding Achievement Award 2014

19 Jun 2014 – At the annual RIAS Awards Dinner in Glasgow last night, Margaret Richards FRIAS was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS). The Incorporation’s Lifetime Achievement Award is given to those architects who, in the view of the Council of the RIAS, have made an outstanding contribution to architecture in Scotland.

RIAS Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Honoured

RIAS Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Honoured
image from RIAS

Fire Service Praised after GSA Fire

19 Jun 2014 – At the annual RIAS Awards Dinner in Glasgow last night, Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs, Fiona Hyslop MSP, made a special presentation from the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in recognition of their outstanding work at the Glasgow School of Art fire on Friday 23rd May this year.

Citizens Theatre Redevelopment

Design: Bennetts Associates

Citizens Theatre Glasgow
image from architect

Citizens Theatre Renovation

9 Jun 2014 – News online tomorrow from architectural practice Bennetts Associates re work on the plans for a major redevelopment of its iconic Gorbals home. This will be the most comprehensive redevelopment of the building since it opened as a theatre in 1878.

Selfridges Site Development

9 Jun 2014 – Selfridges has sold the merchant City site in Glasgow it had earmarked for a £90 million store. The company bought the substantial plot 12 years ago but since then it has been lying derelict.

It has now sold it to a joint venture which plans to build high quality flats and shops. Candleriggs is a 50/50 project between the investment arm of mace and funds managed by mercer real Estate Partners.

The partnership intends to submit a planning application for the site by the end of this year and will talk to people and businesses to find out their views.

Major Development in Scottish Capital

St Andrew Square Building

9 Jun 2014 – Work has started on a £75m speculative office, retail and residential development in Edinburgh city centre by Gareth Hoskins Architects + CDA, for Standard Life Investments Pooled Pension Property Fund and joint venture partner Peveril Securities.

New Apartment in Glasgow

Apartment 7/4 74 York Street, Glasgow

Offers over £350,000 – Mortgage funding available

Modernised 3 bed (duplex) penthouse apartment in Glasgow

This property is well positioned on the seventh and eighth floor of a B-Listed red sandstone building by Neil C Duff, dated circa 1901.

Perth City Hall Seminar

9 Jun 2014 – This seminar comes at a crucial time while we await the decision of Historic Scotland, and when two exciting proposals exist for the building’s re-use, one of which is a luxury hotel, and the other a market hall. The Press will be present at the event, and a high publicity value will be generated.

Cairngorms Visitor Centre Building

9 Jun 2014 – Cairngorms National Park Authority approves new visitor centre plans

A new grandstand and visitor centre for the Braemar Highland Games and eight affordable homes for Ballater were among the applications approved by Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA) last week.

The Braemar Royal Highland Charity is behind the plans to demolish the existing West Stand overlooking the Princess Royal and Duke of Fife Memorial Park, which will be replaced by a new grandstand, incorporating a visitor centre, exhibition space, office, retail area and cafe.

Perth City Hall : An International Perspective

Perth City Hall plaza

Perth City Hall Building

7 Jun 2014 – A seminar jointly promoted by The Dundee Institute of Architects and the RIAS, exploring the Scottish, UK and international standing of this unique and threatened Edwardian building. Chaired by Neil Baxter, speakers are Gavin Stamp Hon FRIAS, Vivian Linacre and James Simpson FRIAS.

This event counts for 2 CPD Hours/Points

23 June 2014, 10am-2pm

£15 (£12.50 + VAT), includes light lunch

Scottish Design Awards 2014

6 Jun 2014

Scottish Design Awards Event 2014 1

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service were honoured at tonight’s Scottish Design Awards for their heroic efforts to save the majority of the Glasgow School of Art’s iconic Mackintosh building and its contents after a fire in late May.

The annual event which celebrates the best in Scottish design saw Glasgow-based design consultancy Suisse take home the Grand Prix for its work with the Scottish Maritime Museum and Freytag Anderson crowned Design Agency of the Year.

Anderston Regeneration News

3 Jun 2014 – Latest phase of Sanctuary’s Anderston regeneration completed.

Collective Architecture has completed the latest phase of the Anderston Regeneration master plan in Glasgow. The project includes 44 flats, 5 town houses and a retail unit built on behalf of Sanctuary Housing Association.

The £5.2m project forms part of efforts to restore the original street pattern of the inner city district, obliterated during comprehensive redevelopment in the 1960’s, by reinstating the original street edges and tenemental scale. Comprising of three monolithic brick clad blocks separated by lower zinc clad elements the scheme presents a robust face to Argyle Street with smaller scale town houses located to the rear.

Glasgow School of Art Fire

27 + 26 May 2014 – updates re lack of sprinkler system and the firemens’ clever strategy

Glasgow School of Art Fire
photo © Charlie Anderson

Glasgow School of Art

Fire crews are tackling a blaze at the A-listed Glasgow School of Art in the centre of the city.

23 May 2014  -Fire crews are tackling a fire at the A-listed Glasgow School of Art in the centre of the city, reports the BBC today.

“An eyewitness said the fire appeared to have started in the basement of the Charles Rennie Mackintosh building in Renfrew Street just before 12:30. Smoke is billowing from the main windows, which are cracking, and through the attic studios. Smoke is also drifting across the M8. Police have cordoned off Renfrew Street.”

Glasgow School of Art
photo © Adrian Welch

From the photos it appears the fire is in the west side of the building, we hope to report more information as it happens throughout the day.

Glasgow School of Art
photo © Adrian Welch

It is of concern that fire has spread from the basement to the roof, essentially fire damage might have occurred up the centre of the west wing, and smoke damage would most likely affect the entire building.

This is a world-famous building and we take regular architecture tours to see it outside and in, the key building in Scotland’s largest city.

Report: Adrian Welch, architect.

RIAS Welcomes Scottish Government’s Undertaking to Implement Procurement Review

Wednesday 14th May 2014 – At a Ministerial Construction Summit this morning, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP announced that the Scottish Government will implement the recommendations of the review of procurement in construction, carried out by Robin Crawford and Ken Lewandowski and published last October.

The Royal Incorporation has continuously lobbied for changes to the, previously cumbersome, construction procurement regime in Scotland. In particular, the publication, Building a Better Future, from December 2011, which recorded the findings of the RIAS President’s Commission on Procurement (David Dunbar PPRIAS, Roy Martin QC Hon FRIAS, Linda Fabiani MSP Hon FRIAS, Prof. Malcolm Horner Hon FRIAS, Dame Barbara Kelly Hon FRIAS, Lord Maclennan of Rogart Hon FRIAS and Brian Stewart Hon FRIAS) highlights the many issues affecting potential employment of Scottish SMEs throughout the industry.

Willie Watt FRIAS, who led for the RIAS in the construction procurement review, stated:

“We are absolutely delighted that the Scottish Government has listened to and agrees with the findings of this important review. This will greatly improve access to construction jobs across the sector.”

RIAS President, Iain Connelly, stated:

“This is among the most positive announcements that this proactive government has made on construction procurement. We are delighted with the level of engagement from the Scottish Government and look forward to a much fairer procurement landscape for Scotland.”

e-architect news

Thanks to our readers we now have 200,000+ likes on e-architect facebook.

We also now have over 300,000 followers across our social media channels including twitter (94,000), google+ and linkedin.

Furthermore, the engagement on our facebook and twitter is much more active than all our direct competitors, our followers are natural (we don’t purchase ‘follows’) and our posts clearly resonate with them.

This architectural resource, run from Scotland, but operating through a global network of writers and architecture tour guides, has grown to be one of the most successful built environment platforms in the world.

University of Dundee School of Medicine Building

14 May – The University of Dundee has completed work on a new Archial Norr designed extension to its School of Medicine within the grounds of Ninewells Hospital.

Assemble Architecture

12 May 2014 – after 2.5 successful years of practicing under the banner of Edo Architecture Andrew McAvoy Chartered Architect, Glasgow, has established Assemble Architecture.

This new architecture practice is featured in this month’s Dwell Magazine:

More coverage is to follow in Septembers Homes and Interiors Scotland.

Fair Glasgow

A Heritage Lottery Funded Project combining a long wheel base chassis, a ghost house and some classic fairground apparatus.

The Govan Fair

Andrew McAvoy performed the role of “Editor of transactions” for the Govan Fair Association and for the 2nd year produced this years Programme, in Govan on the 6th and 7th of June, where something of the traditional Fair is being resurrected.

Queen’s Park Event News


12 May 2014 – Renowned award-winning artist Phil Collins has revealed details of his latest film project commissioned by The Common Guild. ‘Tomorrow Is Always Too Long’ will premiere in Glasgow’s Queen’s Park in July as a one-night-only free event and is the result of a year-long project which has seen Collins meet with local people in maternity hospitals, schools, community groups and social clubs asking them to sing songs, make predictions for the future, guide us though the city’s most famous prison and dance like there’s no tomorrow.

Resulting sequences, filmed by the acclaimed cinematographer Michael McDonough, are accompanied by an imaginary public-access broadcast produced with a cast of Glaswegians from every walk of life to whom Collins opened the doors of a 1960s TV studio. From socially engaged pensioners to animal rights activists, from street poets to market sellers, from Elvis impersonators to elderly star-crossed lovers, they contributed a series of short programmes in different genres, some of which were scripted in collaboration with the award-winning writer Ewan Morrison.

Fusing fantasy and reality and with stellar soundtrack contributions from Welsh pop-enigma Cate Le Bon, Mogwai’s very own Barry Burns, local voodoo ravers Golden Teacher and the esteemed Royal Scottish National Orchestra, ‘Tomorrow Is Always Too Long’ will take the audience on a journey into the heart of the city and beyond.

Taking place on Saturday 19th July 2014 the new work will be presented across large LED screens set up in Queen’s Park’s Old Rose Garden, with views over the city and the surrounding hills. This memorable evening promises to be a night like no other and continues the park’s great tradition of public gatherings, from political protests to music festivals.

The unique visual arts project is part of the Glasgow 2014 Cultural Programme, which is a partnership between the Glasgow 2014 Organising Committee, Glasgow Life and Creative Scotland through National Lottery funding. Programmed as part of Festival 2014, the project will be part of the massive Games-time celebration in Glasgow running alongside the sporting action.

Awarded the Paul Hamlyn Award for Visual Arts in 2001, Collins was shortlisted for the Artes Mundi Prize in 2012 and the Turner Prize in 2006. His work is characterised by a close engagement with people and communities, reflecting on the status of the individual and the collective in our media-dominated society. Glasgow, where the artist has lived at different times, is a city rich in subcultural and popular histories, which he is drawn to.

Says Collins: “Who would have thought that my love affair with Glasgow would result in a night out in the park? It’s been a roller-coaster ride over the last year. I began at Hotel Bar-L and ended up being Tartan Elvis’s roadie in Castlemilk. I learned about life by attending a full course of ante-natal classes and danced the slosh every weekend at Frampton’s. Each encounter and exchange along the way has been a riot to say the least, and if the work can communicate a fraction of the joy I’ve had making it, I’ll die a happy man.”

‘Tomorrow Is Always Too Long’ follows a series of screenings of Collins’ previous films around Glasgow which have presented subjects such as former teachers of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany, a family of Kosovan Albanian refugees, fans of The Smiths across three continents and a group of anti-fascist skinheads in Malaysia.

Tickets for the event are available from Wednesday 21st May 2014 through All tickets will be posted out two weeks before the event. Please note, the film may not be suitable for under 14’s.

Darwin Laboratory Building News

Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios (FCBS) has won a high-profile competition to regenerate the University of Edinburgh’s 10-storey Darwin Laboratory building, reports the AJ today. 7 May

Scottish Cities Alliance

The Scottish Cities Alliance has announced that Stirling is to benefit from new housing, sports facilities, motorway access and business premises as part of a major investment scheme.

A detailed development plan has been put together to decide the city’s part in a national investment project, a £6bn blueprint for infrastructure improvement in Scotland’s seven cities. 2 May

Commonwealth Games Legacy Hub

The Big Lottery Fund have backed a £5m plan to create a Commonwealth Games ‘Legacy Hub’ in the East End of Glasgow. The money will contribute to the building costs of the Dalmarnock Legacy Hub, which is being built next to one of the games venues.

The finance is for a community centre, which will include a GP surgery, children’s nursery, chemist and shop -services and facilities that were lost during redevelopment work for the multi-million pound Emirates Arena complex, Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome and the Athletes’ Village. The news comes several months after construction work began, when Glasgow City Council agreed to sell a plot of land next to the arena for just £1 to the People’s Development Trust. The Dalmarnock Legacy Hub is scheduled to open its doors in January 2015. 2 May

Trump @ Turnberry

US property tycoon Donald Trump has confirmed that he has bought the Turnberry golf resort. He has purchased the South Ayrshire complex including the hotel from Dubai-based group Leisurecorp. Donald Trump said it was “an honour and privilege to own one of golf’s greatest and most exciting properties”. The course will continue to be managed by Starwood Hotels & Resorts. 2 May

Gareth Hoskins wins Scottish National Gallery Contest

Gareth Hoskins has won the architectural competition for the £9m overhaul of Edinburgh’s Scottish National Gallery. 1 May

Technology and Innovation Centre Strathclyde

Technology and Innovation Centre Strathclyde
picture from architect

Technology and Innovation Centre Strathclyde by BDP – new images added, 29 Apr 2014

The Technology and Innovation Centre will bring together academics and partners from industry and business – from across the international scene – to develop solutions to challenges which are central to economic regeneration and to address key technological challenges faced by society. It is due to be open for business in 2014.

City Building News

Glasgow-based construction company City Building has welcomed the completion of £40m of refurbishment and rebuilding projects across 106 Glasgow schools, enabling the company to create more jobs and apprenticeships as well as boost the local economy.

The multi-million pound works undertaken by the construction firm on behalf of Glasgow City Council include £20m expenditure through its supply chain using local Glasgow contractors who pay the Glasgow Living Wage and employ apprentices.

Future phases of the programme will involve changing to energy efficient and LED lighting in some schools. Nineteen schools have been identified that will benefit from changing boilers and associated heating plant and twenty four schools have been identified for future roof insulation.

City Building have worked with planning officers and Historic Scotland on schools with listed building status such as Notre Dame Primary School in Glasgow’s west end, to ensure refurbishment measures are appropriate for the specific needs of these buildings and environmental issues have been appropriately addressed. New schools, new build extensions and high efficiency temporary classrooms are also part of the overall package of works being undertaken. 29 Apr

Scottish City Region Plan System

A study commissioned last year by the Scottish Government to assess the progress of the Strategic Development Plan process and carried out by consultancy Kevin Murray Associates working with the University of Glasgow has called for a re-launched with a greater remit over transport, energy and waste functions.

Scotland currently has four strategic development plan (SDP) authorities, created in 2009, focused on the country’s largest city regions – Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Perth, and Aberdeen.

The document states: “We believe there is an urgent need to undertake a refresh and relaunch initiative to improve the understanding of strategic development planning.” 29 Apr

Glasgow Hotel Development

Maven Capital Partners has secured £7m of funding to deliver a new hotel development in Glasgow’s Merchant City.

The Glasgow-based private equity firm said the funding scheme, utilising the benefits of the Business Premises Renovation Allowance (BPRA), will include the purchase of Telfer House, a currently empty office building.

Maven said the building will be refurbished into a 96-bedroom ibis Styles hotel, which will be managed by specialist hotel management company, RedefineBDL.

Refurbishment work starts in the summer and is expected to take a year to complete. An extra floor will also be added to the current seven storey sandstone building. 25 Apr

Lanarkshire Regeneration News

A derelict estate in Lanarkshire is the subject of a planned £50m regeneration project that would include luxury housing and a boutique hotel.

English entrepreneur Chris Naylor and the Lloyds business family are behind the plan to transform the Birkwood Estate in Lesmahagow, South Lanarkshire. 25 Apr

University of Glasgow Campus Masterplan – Gilmorehill campus

The University of Glasgow has launched a third round of engagement on the future development of its Gilmorehill campus by inviting the public to attend an exhibition in the John McIntyre Welcome Point at the Main Gate until 25 April.

This will detail the place-making principles which will influence the institutions estate strategy for the area following acquisition of the Western Infirmary site, dubbed the ‘lower plateau’.

Ideas under consideration by master planners PagePark include extending Kelvingrove Park into the ‘historic plateau’ of the main Gilbert Scott building by introducing landscaping on existing car parks. 25 Apr

University of Glasgow Campus Development Plan

The University of Glasgow and PagePark have fleshed out their plans for the Western Infirmary site by showcasing their current thinking at a public consultation, report Urban Realm. 18 Apr

Kelpie Sculptures Opening

At the first of two night-time events, artist Andy Scott’s 300-tonne, 30m high Kelpie horse heads were brought to life by a light, sound and pyrotechnic display. It was staged by Groupe F, a pyrotechnic outfit which lit up the Eiffel Tower at the Millennium. 18 Apr

Glasgow Academy Science Wing

A new science & technology wing for Glasgow Academy is taking shape in the west end with Dunne Construction progressing the structure of the 37,000sq/ft facility, report Urban Realm. 18 Apr

Cumbernauld Community Centre Building

Collective Architecture has submitted plans to build an £8m community centre in Cumbernauld to replace the existing Muirfield centre with a 10,000sq/m social enterprise and community space, report Urban Realm. 17 Apr

University of Glasgow Campus Masterplan

The University of Glasgow has launched a third round of engagement on the future development of its Gilmorehill campus by inviting the public to attend an exhibition in the John McIntyre Welcome, report Urban Realm. 17 Apr

Glasgow Fort Extension

Glasgow Fort Retail Centre
photo © Adrian Welch

Glasgow Fort – 15 Apr

Construction work has commenced at the Glasgow Fort Shopping Park as part of a major development project.

Managed by Kier Construction, work on the 112,000 sq ft development, designed by Cooper Cromar, is expected to take around 12 months to complete.

The £45m investment will see a Marks & Spencer store take up residence at the southern side of the park, while four further retail units and a restaurant will also be created.

In addition to the above, the Shopping Park has also submitted a Planning Application Notice to build a 600-space multi-storey car park.

Steven Holl Inauguration

Reid Building at The Glasgow School of Art. 10 Apr

New York based architect Steven Holl and much of his office are in Glasgow to deliver the inaugural address for the Glasgow School of Art’s Reid Building, which officially opens its doors today.

Scottish Design Awards – Shortlist

Scottish Design Awards Shortlist 2014. 10 Apr

The Scottish Design Awards take place on Thursday 5th June at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Argyle St, Glasgow, dress code is Black-tie.

New Building for Edinburgh’s Western General

NHS Lothian has unveiled plans for a major new cancer treatment and research centre to be built at the Western General. The specialist centre – which would be comparable to the renowned £105m Beatson facility in Glasgow – would replace the Western’s Edinburgh Cancer Centre. 8 Apr

Dundee Homes News

Scottish homebuilder Springfield Properties has announced plans for 228 new homes to the west of Dundee. 8 Apr

Sighthill Regeneration

Glasgow City Council planners will today – 8 Apr – be asked to agree in principal to a planned £250 million transformation of the Sighthill area of the city.

If approved, the project will result in the creation of hundreds of new homes, a school, shops and a new bridge over the M8.

Council leader Gordon Matheson told the Evening Times: “The plans look tremendous and I look forward to the transformation of the area in the coming years.

“One legacy of our Youth Olympic Games bid – which brought forward this project by two decades – will be the creation of a very attractive place in which to live, work and study.

More at Glasgow Building News April 2014

Jim Heverin Director at Zaha Hadid Architects to speak at Glasgow Conference

Museum of Transport Glasgow
photograph : Hufton + Crow

Glasgow Museums has the great honour of hosting the 2014 European Museum Academy Conference and Micheletti awards ceremony 24-26 April 2014.

Guest speakers include Jim Heverin, Director at Zaha Hadid architects and Riverside Museum’s Project Architect, Mark O’Neill, Director of Policy and Research for Glasgow Life and Andreja Rihter, President of the EMA – details on the Glasgow Events page. 7 Apr

Scottish Building Photos

2 Apr – Over the next week we will be showing new photos by Keith Hunter Photography on this news page, of the following buildings:

• Lanark Primary School – Kier Construction / Stallan Brand

• Auchmuty High School, Glenrothes – Fife Council

• Via Italia, Glasgow – Burns Design

• Paisley Town Hall refurbishment – Austin Smith Lord

Scottish Building Procurement

Scottish architects have slammed the country’s procurement methods and lambasted the country’s architecture policy for creating poor quality buildings, reports the AJ. 1 Apr

Dalmarnock Rail Station

Dalmarnock Station

photos © Andrew Lee

Dalmarnock Rail Station – 31 Mar

Platform 1 at Dalmarnock Station has now been finished by Atkins: this work completes the station as a whole. New photos of this East End building close to the Commonwealth Games venues.

New Danish Building

e-architect co-director Isabelle Lomholt attended the opening event on Friday for House of Music Aalborg, Denmark, designed by COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, and talked with leading architect Wolf Prix about his latest building – photos + review. 30 Mar

e-architect news

e-architect, headquartered in Scotland with satellite offices in France, Spain and the USA – recorded over 2 million hits in one day for the first time last week. Our twitter following has passed 51,000 and our facebook followers now number more than 164,000. In total we have over 265,000 followers across our various social media channels. We also have 97 architecture guides operating in 64 cities across the world. Thank you for your support and interest as we grow our global architecture resource. 30 Mar

Design Awards 2014

The Scottish Design Awards are closed for judging.

The Scottish Design Awards are open to all Architecture & Design companies in Scotland, or those doing work for a Scottish Client. The Awards aim to highlight the best and the brightest stars in the Scottish design industry.

Nominations will be announced 9th April. 28 Mar

Hutchesons’ Hall Glasgow

Hutchesons Hall Glasgow

A-listed Hutchesons’ Hall in the Merchant City is currently undergoing a £1.3million transformation by independent restaurateur James Rusk – owner of successful steakhouse The Butchershop Bar & Grill, as he embarks on bringing a wonderful new dining environment to Glasgow’s Style Mile. 27 Mar

What do readers think about this new use for one of Glasgow’s most beautiful and historic buildings?

Is it a welcome breath of life or should a more universally public use be found?

Comments welcome at info(at) for publication

Health Centre Building in West Glasgow

Yoker Surgery

Architectural practice Keppie has been appointed to design a new medical practice in Yoker, Glasgow, on behalf of Medical Centres Scotland. The facility, which will house both a GP and dentist service, will be located on a prominent corner site at the junction of Dumbarton Road and Ellerslie Road in Yoker. Construction is just about to commence and is expected to complete by autumn 2014. 27 Mar

RIAS Awards News

The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland announces a 27 strong shortlist, selected from 83 Scottish buildings. This architecture award is now the single most important recognition of architectural achievement in Scotland. 25 + 24 Mar

RSA Annual Exhibition

RSA Building, The Mound, Edinburgh – “Focus on Film”

29 Mar – 4 May 2014

The RSA Annual Exhibition is a focal point of the RSA programme and showcases work from RSA Academicians the length and breadth of Scotland. Now in its 188th year, it continues to provide a platform for contemporary paintings, sculpture, film, printmaking, photography and installation alongside work by some of the country’s leading architects. 25 Mar

Scotish Heritage Lottery News

Today, the Heritage Lottery Fund announced support totalling almost £2.7m to help secure the futures of the Theatre Royal in Dumfries, St Cecilia’s Hall Edinburgh, Dunoon Burgh Hall, and Kirkcudbright Art Gallery. As well as restoring and altering the buildings to make them sustainable, work will be done to research and preserve the colourful histories of these creative and performing arts venues. 25 Mar

Shigeru Ban wins Pritzker Prize

Shigeru Ban is the Pritzker Prize Winner in 2014.

Shigeru Ban, a Tokyo-born, 56-year-old architect with offices in Tokyo, Paris and New York, is rare in the field of architecture. He designs elegant, innovative work for private clients, and uses the same inventive and resourceful design approach for his extensive humanitarian efforts. For twenty years Ban has traveled to sites of natural and man-made disasters around the world, to work with local citizens, volunteers and students, to design and construct simple, dignified, low-cost, recyclable shelters and community buildings for the disaster victims. 25 Mar

Perth City Hall Building

Friday the 14th of March 2014 is the date when all objections to proposals for the Perth Concert Hall area

must be sent to the council. If you haven’t already done so please email the council with your name and address and statement of objection. The application number is 14/00292/LBC and the address to send it to is [email protected]. An article by Neil Baxter of the RIAS appeared in the Press on the 13th of March and Margaretha Linacre handed in about 2,000 letters of objection to Perth and Kinross Council’s office in Kinnoull Street.

New Maggie’s Centre

Maggies Forth Valley

NORD Architecture has been granted planning permission for the new Maggie’s Centre in the grounds of Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert. This will be the 9th Maggie’s Centre in Scotland with Maggie’s Aberdeen having opened in September last year and the new purpose built Centre in Lanarkshire due to open later this year. 14 Mar

Civic Trust Special Award

Notre Dame Primary, in Havelock Street, in Glasgow’s west end, has been awarded the Civic Trust’s Special Award for Scotland. The awards took place in Blackpool, hosted by architect, writer and television presenter George Clarke.

Bailie Liz Cameron, executive Member for Jobs and the Economy at Glasgow City Council, said she was “delighted” with the accolade. 12 Mar

Reid Building News

A structural problem with some of the glass panels in the new Glasgow School of Art building has left several splintered, cracked or broken. The matt glass panels covering the exterior are one of the key architectural features of the Reid Building, which was designed by Steven Holl architects of New York with jm architects of Glasgow – more on the March news page. 11 Mar

Owenstown Development News

A date has been set for the application for Planning Permission in Principle for the Owenstown development project in South Lanarkshire.

Owenstown, to be named after Robert Owen, the founder of New Lanark, will consist of 3,200 affordable homes in a low-carbon settlement, many of them built at a factory on the site to reduce costs and to help attract young families. 11 Mar

Glasgow Building News March 2014

Scottish Property Awards

The best new commercial and public property developments in Scotland have been announced at the inaugural Scottish Property Awards 2014.

The SSE Hydro, the Commonwealth Games Athletes’ Village, the Dundee Waterfront, and Advocates Close in Edinburgh were among the high profile winners of the awards which recognise commercial and regeneration projects in towns and cities. 28 Feb

London Road Primary School Demolished

Celtic Football Club

Celtic Park Redevelopment: The new-look entrance to Celtic Park moved forward last weekend as the London Road Primary School was demolished. It represents another important step in the Celtic 2014 project, which will see the football club embrace a number of high-profile events scheduled to take place throughout Glasgow and Scotland during this year. 28 Feb

Queen Street Station Development News

Glasgow Queen Street Station

Network Rail has published updated visualisations of a planned £120m redevelopment of Glasgow’s Queen Street Station, with the project’s official launch on 25 Feb in George Square, reports Urban Realm. Public consultation has also started.

Prepared by BDP the plans outline extension of existing platforms to accommodate nine car trains and the creation of a new public entrance facing George Square whilst an extension to the east will provide new retail and station facilities. An upper level pedestrian footbridge will connect to the Buchanan Galleries from both Dundas Street and Cathedral Street, linked by escalators to the main concourse – which will double in size. 26 Feb

Dr Frank Rushbrook, CBE

Dr Frank Rushbrook, CBE 1914-2014

The Edinburgh Fire Research Blog reports, “It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Dr Frank Rushbrook, CBE on the 17th February 2014, aged 99. Frank was a true visionary who will forever be associated with the creation of the academic discipline of Fire Safety Engineering at Edinburgh and was a life-long friend and supporter of the group. 26 Feb

University of Strathclyde Physics School

The University of Strathclyde is in the midst of delivering an £4.2m refurbishment and extension of its John Anderson Building to provide improved facilities for its Department of Physics.

Designed by Hypostyle and delivered by Balfour Beatty the extension will provide 5,113sq/m of accommodation over three floors on a constrained steeply-sloping site to provide new laboratory and office space. 21 Feb

Scenic Routes Projects

Cairngorms and A82 in-line for second wave of Scenic Routes projects Young architects will be given the opportunity to develop ideas for a fresh batch of Scotland’s most arresting beauty spots after the Scottish Government committed a further £500k to its Scenic Routes initiative, reports Urban Realm.

The project aims to capitalise on the country’s natural landscapes by commissioning architectural interventions such as shelters and viewing platforms, with the £500k pilot focussing on three beauty spots in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park. 20 Feb

Former Arnotts Department Store

Work to transform historic Paisley department store into new housing begins Work to transform Paisley’s former Arnotts department store into 31 flats for shared equity or rent has begun in earnest with main contractor Westpoint Homes moving on site, reports Urban Realm.

Led by Renfrewshire Council and the Link Group the scheme will entail refurbishment of the listed Gauze Street façade alongside a new-build element designed by Cooper Cromar incorporating private parking and gardens. 20 Feb

Newhouse Housing

Sir David Murray’s firm has asked for more time to start work on a housing development next to his £5m golf course.

He has fought a 20-year battle to build homes at the site in Newhouse, North Lanarkshire.

He unveiled plans for the golf course, luxury homes, a country club, hotel and a leisure club but planning delays held up the development. The Torrance Park golf club, named after Ryder Cup hero Sam, was opened in 2009. However, building work on a development of 270 homes has never started. Permission for the homes was granted in 2011.

Murray’s firm New Brannock Limited has said it is now in discussions with a developer about the homes. But it is not ready to proceed and planning permission for the £30m project has expired.

The firm has now asked North Lanarkshire Council for another three years to start the work. North Lanarkshire Council said a decision on the application was pending. 14 Feb

Former Kingarth House

Collective submit Lambhill regeneration plan Collective Architecture have submitted plans to develop the former Kingarth House, introducing 56 new homes on behalf of Loretto Housing Association.

Located in the Lambhill area of North Glasgow the site would incorporate an eight bed children’s home set amidst four storey flatted blocks and lower density terraces clad in brick, zinc and timber. 14 Feb

Partick Housing

Submission of plans by Glasgow Harbour to build a 500 room scheme with ground floor retail on vacant ground at Beith Street. Designed by ADF Architects and Gillespies the proposal slots into a wider master plan for the area, which aims to open up access to the river Kelvin by connecting it to Partick and bring a swathe of derelict land back into use. 14 Feb

East Park Glasgow

East Park Campus, Glasgow

Alan Dunlop has submitted East Park for planning. In November 2013 he was commissioned to build new projects within their existing campus in Glasgow. East Park has provided education and supported accommodation services to children and young people with additional support needs, including autism, since 1874.

East Park want to establish a centre of excellence in Glasgow for the residential care and teaching of young people with very special needs, including autism. I’m working with a talented design team, on a challenging project and for a committed, enthusiastic and engaging client…what more could an architect wish for. 13 Feb

Keppie Appoints Architects

Keppie targets growth in education sectors with senior appointments

Architectural practice Keppie has strengthened its senior team with the appointments of Gordon Hood and Adrian Boot as directors of the business with immediate effect.

Both bring extensive experience of delivering multiple higher and further education projects domestically and, during their time spent with RMJM, across various international assignments in North America and Asia.

Gordon, who has recently been working on a consultancy basis, spent over thirty years with RMJM, initially in Edinburgh and then in the US as director of Global Education. During this time Gordon had extensive experience of campus development across the Ivy League estates including Yale and Princeton, before taking up the managing principle role with the practice’s Hong Kong operation.

Adrian began his career with Foster & Partners before holding senior roles for RMJM in its Edinburgh office. He joins Keppie from a position as Partner of 10 Design, working across bases in Hong Kong, India and Turkey. 12 Feb

Design Pops Up @ The Italian Centre

Design Pops Up @ The Italian Centre

4 -28 Mar

The Italian Centre, 49 Cochrane Street – see Events page for details

Seven companies leading the market in the design industry get together for the first time in Glasgow in a four-week Design Pop Up. Allgood, Artemide, Domus Tiles, Mapei, Milliken, Shadbolt and Steelcase will be showcasing their most innovative products under one roof at the Italian Centre. 12 Feb

RICS Scotland Awards Shortlist

SSE Hydro, Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Athletes’ Village, Atria Edinburgh and Dundee Waterfront will be among the projects competing in the 2014 RICS Scotland Awards following the shortlist announcement. Eight category winners and a Project of the Year will be selected from the 48 shortlisted entries to the awards – see the February news page on the Edinburgh Architecture website for details. 12 Feb

Flood-proofed Home

Scotland’s first purpose built anti-flood home: the dwelling of the future would have protective barriers, rapid drainage systems and flood doors all fitted as standard.

The flood resilient home project is being led by Dr Stephen Garvin, construction director at the Scottish HQ of the Built Environment Science Centre (BRE).- see the February news page for details. 12 Feb

Sustainable Procurement Bill

The Scottish Government has been urged not to delay the implementation of the Sustainable Procurement Bill which is in the late stages of examination in the Scottish Parliament.

Electrical sector trade body SELECT, which contributed significantly to the lengthy consultation process, believes that the bill addresses most of the important outstanding issues regarding public sector procurement and that it is imperative that it becomes an Act of Parliament, with minimal amendment, as soon as possible. 12 Feb

The Church and The Community : Energy Conference 2014

Shedding some light on the energy challenges facing church property in the current climate. The conference will be of interest to community groups, congregations, professionals, fabric conveners, religious organisations and individuals with an interest in church buildings. The conference speakers will give practical information with examples of solutions to the various problems facing those responsible for church buildings today. 11 Feb

Event Date: Tuesday 18th March 2014 10.30 to 15.00 at Kirkcaldy Old Kirk

£45 per delegate – see Events page for details

Beith Street Building

A £60 m scheme to transform a site on Beith Street in Glasgow into a luxury student accommodation development has been given the go-ahead by planners.

The project by developer Downing will accommodate 701 students and comprises two ten-storey buildings, set within generous landscaped gardens alongside the River Kelvin.

Designed by architects, Falconer Chester Hall, the project will form part of the wider Glasgow harbour masterplan and is due to complete in time for new academic year in September 2015.

Paul Houghton from Downing said: “Glasgow is an exciting city with a burgeoning student population and we’re delighted to be making strides on this ambitious scheme, which will revitalise this area and help to address the pressing need for quality student accommodation in the city.” 7 Feb

Glasgow Architecture Walking Tours

Recently e-architect organised walking tours in Glasgow and Edinburgh for a delegation of the top architects in Sweden. We showed the 18 architects – all directors of architecture practices between 20 and 400 people in size – around the key buildings, such as Crown Street Housing and the new Reid Building. Each architecture office will now be offered walking tours in the two cities, so you might be seeing a few more Swedish architects walking round Glasgow and Edinburgh soon: Glasgow Architecture Tour 4 Feb

Indian Architecture Connections

Asian Architecture Awards:

e-architect editor Adrian Welch will be speaking at this architecture event, alongisde architects such as Ken Yeang, Jo Noero, Odile Decq and Sanjay Puri, plus thinkers such as Juhani Pallasmaa.

Artists in Concrete Awards Festival is an annual celebration of excellence in architecture, landscape designing and interior designing. It is held in Pune, India, on 6-8 Feb

Adrian Welch works as a Senior Architect for Lewis and Hickey Architects in Edinburgh.

Glasgow begins plans for its 25th annual eventAppeal for Participants

Glasgow Doors Open Day had another successful year in 2013 with the evaluation proving the need for the built heritage festival. Plans are now underway to organise the 25th annual event on 20th & 21st September 2014. Glasgow Building Preservation Trust, the organisers of the festival, are appealing for any interested participants to get involved. 4 Feb

Reid Building – Glasgow School of Art

Reid Building
photo © Adrian Welch

New photos of the Reid Building Glasgow – 2 Feb

Martin Boyce Artwork
photo © McAteer

A new piece by the Turner Prize winning artist Martin Boyce is to be the feature artwork in the entrance to the new Reid Building at The Glasgow School of Art – 16 Jan

Parkview Primary School
Park View Primary School 1
photo © Keith Hunter Photography

Park View Primary School – 17 + 16 Jan

Parkview Primary School by Stallan-Brand

St.Cadoc’s Primary School

St.Cadoc’s Cairns Primary Community Campus – 17 + 16 Jan

St.Cadoc’s Primary School and Parkview Primary School by Stallan-Brand

William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre

William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre

photo © Keith Hunter Photography

William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre by Anderson Bell Christie – 16 Jan.

Scottish Architectural Photos

We’ve added images for these buildings in the last few days:

• Some additional images of the William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre by Anderson Bell Christie.

• EICC extension and Atria building, Edinburgh by BDP

• Q10 Quartermile, Edinburgh by Richard Murphy Architects. 16 + 13 Jan

Claremont House

Maven has acquired the vacant Claremont House near the University of Glasgow which it will refurbish into a 94-room student accommodation unit. The building is scheduled to be open for the start of 2014/15 academic year. Maven has raised £3m to fund this new student accommodation development in the West End of Glasgow. The completed development will be managed by CRM, regarded as one of the top five specialist student accommodation management companies in the UK and already operates 50 units across the country, including two in Glasgow. 6 Jan

Scottish Towns Regeneration Funding

Seven towns are to benefit from a £2.75m Scottish Government fund aimed at breathing new life into town centres. The money will be spent on converting vacant properties into affordable homes.

The cash is divided up as follows:

• Clackmannanshire Council gets £782,000 to help develop 17 homes in Stirling Street, Alva.

• Fife Council gets £764,000 for 18 properties at Cupar’s County Buildings.

• Angus Council gets £200,000 to develop about four homes in Carnoustie High Street.

• East Dunbartonshire Council gets the same amount for six homes in Townhead, Kirkintilloch.

• Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association gets £350,000 to help provide seven homes in Bridge Street, Tranent.

• Kingdom Housing Association gets £255,523 for 14 properties at the former Crown Hotel in Crieff.

• Clyde Valley Housing Association gets £150,000 for seven homes in Bank Street, Coatbridge.

6 Jan

Sauchiehall Street businesses say yes to Glasgow’s first BID

Sauchiehall St

Businesses in Sauchiehall Street have approved a plan to help make a section of one of Glasgow’s most famous streets Scotland’s undisputed premier entertainment destination.

The city’s first-ever Business Improvement District (BID) will focus on the non-pedestrianised part of Sauchiehall Street from the junction with Rose Street and Blythswood Street to Charing Cross.

92% of eligible voting businesses voted in favour by number, and 97% by rateable value. 16 Dec

Hampden Park, Scotland’s National Stadium News

Hampden Park
image of the renewed stadium : Glasgow 2014

Hampden Park in Glasgow is where the Games’ most innovative construction project is currently under way: the stadium will be given a “dramatic new look” to gain the width and length required for an IAAF-approved athletics track. 13 Dec

PagePark Architects News

A Glasgow architectural practice whose turnover has risen 30 per cent over the past two years has designs on more growth after becoming employee-owned.

PagePark Architects
photo of David Page

PagePark Architects – which employs 40 and now turns over £3.5m – has become employee-owned, 32 years after it was established by founders David Page and Brian Park in 1981.

PagePark Architects PagePark Architects
photos of PagePark Architects

The firm – which has worked on iconic projects such as the Lighthouse, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Rosslyn Chapel and Collegelands in Glasgow – intends to develop its award-winning business, particularly across the UK and Europe. 11 Dec

IES Sign Statement of Cooperation with Masdar Institute of Science and Technology

IES and Masdar Institute will work together to promote mutual interest of creating a more sustainable built environment – more details on the December news page. 10 Dec

Perth City Hall News

Councillors have voted in favour of demolishing the Perth City Hall after rejecting a rescue plan backed by Prince Charles.

A £6 m proposal to convert the B-listed building, which has lain empty for eight years, into a food market hall was deemed “not financially viable” by Perth and Kinross Council. Although clearly difficult this is a regrettable decision.

Councillors in Perth met on the 11th of December to discuss the demolition of the City Hall building. It comes after a sole bid to redevelop the unused category B listed structure as an indoor food market was rejected by Perth and Kinross Council. The local authority announced in 2011 that they were minded to demolish the Edwardian building and create a new civic square in its place. However, their plans were rejected by Historic Scotland in 2012.

anderson bell + christie News

Recent anderson bell + christie buildings + designs:

– William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre, Govan

– St Beya Gardens project, Millport

– Bhaltos Outdoor Education Centre, Isle of Lewis

– Tyne Tees site, Newcastle

– East Pollokshields Health Centre

Anderson Bell Christie’s design guidance for Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park was commended in the 2013 Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning. 9 Dec

Strengthening links with Nordic neighbours

External Affairs Secretary Fiona Hyslop is in Denmark and Sweden to strengthen Scotland’s increasing engagement with the two countries.

Ms Hyslop arrived in Copenhagen last night where she met with leading Danish architects. Today she will meet with the Danish Culture Ministry before crossing the Oresund Bridge to Sweden, where she will state the compelling case for Scotland to become a modern independent country during a lecture at Lund University. Fiona Hyslop travelled to Copenhagen on Sunday December 8 and met with the city’s Architect Tina Saaby and Scottish architect David Sim from of Gehl Architects – one of the world’s leading urban design and placemaking practices. Ms Hyslop will also visit the Danish Architecture Centre – more details on the December news page. 9 Dec

Glasgow Building News – news in full from December 2013

Heritage Lottery Fund award to resuscitate one of Europe’s greatest modernist buildings

Leading public arts organisation NVA’s ambitious campaign to raise £7.5m to resuscitate one of Europe’s greatest modernist buildings, St Peters Seminary, has been given a substantial boost, with a first-round pass from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The award will release £565k development funding leading to a second stage submission for £3m in 2015. 5 Dec

Scottish Home Registration

Home registration rise encouraging but supply-side issues must be tackled if output is to increase to meet housing need: statistics published by the National House Building Council which show a 27% increase in the number of new homes registered in Scotland for the rolling quarter August to October compared to the same period in 2012 – more information on the November news page. 29 Nov

Glasgow Recycling Centre Building

WORK has started on a £154m recycling centre which will be one of the most advanced in Europe, reports the Glasgow Evening Times today. The move follows the careful dismantling of two 218ft reinforced concrete chimney stacks which towered over the Polmadie waste site for the last 55 years. Work on the plant is due to be finished in 2016. 28 Nov

The Scottish Scenic Routes

Rural Architecure in Scotland – National Toursim Design Contest

The department of architecture at Strathclyde University has announced that three of its alumni have won the Scottish Scenic Routes Competition to design three ‘architectural interventions’ in Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, reports Urban Realm today. 28 Nov

Kelpies Construction Complete

The world’s largest pair of horse sculptures have been unveiled. The Kelpies are one of the UK’s tallest pieces of public art, towering 30 metres above the Forth and Clyde canal near Falkirk. The huge horse heads are made of 600 tonnes of steel. 28 Nov

Scottish House Sales Recover

The highest quarterly lending level in Scotland since mid-2008 was recorded, as an increasing number of borrowers took out a mortgage loan for house purchase in the third quarter of 2013, new CML data shows.

This was similar to trends seen throughout the UK. Scotland also saw first-time buyer and home mover levels increase, with overall home-owner lending for house purchase increasing by 23% year-on year. 27 Nov

Glasgow Student Flats Development

Proposals for a £70m Seventeen Acres development will go on display on Thursday in the Merchant City Square Courtyard on Albion Street – more details on the November news page. 27 Nov

Silverburn Extension News

photo from architects

Silverburn Glasgow

The £20m extension to Glasgow’s Silverburn shopping centre designed by BDP has begun with contractor Graham Construction moving on-site of the 120,000sqft build. Developer Hammerson is funding a 14 screen cineworld cinema, nine new restaurants, improved bingo facilities and new retail opportunities at the south side centre. First phase works will entail demolition of the last remaining units at the Pollok Centre together with an existing bingo hall to create a new western entrance and improve connections to the bus station. 27 Nov

CALA Homes Awards News

CALA Homes named the UK’s Best Medium Housebuilder for the second consecutive year at the What House? Awards 2013. CALA Homes also picked up the Gold for Best Development for its Trinity Park development in Edinburgh. 27 Nov

News November 2013 – news in full from November 2013

Prestwick Airport sold to Scottish Government

Prestwick Airport has passed into public ownership after being bought by the Scottish government for £1, reports BBC Scotland today. The facility, which was put up for sale last year by New Zealand firm Infratil, has incurred annual losses of £2m. 24 Nov

GIA Design Awards

Winners of the 2013 GIA Design Awards online

Supreme Award won by The SSE Hydro, designed by Foster + Partners. 21 Nov

West Princes Street Student Housing

Elder & Cannon architects have completed work on a development of 103 self-contained studio apartments on the site of a former drill hall at West Princes Street, Glasgow, report Urban Realm today. 21 Nov

Citizens Theatre Update

Bennetts Associates have fleshed out their refurbishment proposals of Glasgow’s Citizens Theatre with the first indication of the revamped theatre’s impact on Gorbals Street, report Urban Realm today. 21 Nov

George Square – Whistleblowers Ignored

The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) is taking the unusual step of highlighting significant failings by the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland in his recently published report on the George Square, Glasgow design competition – see the November news page for more info. 19 Nov

Theatre Royal Building

Theatre Royal Glasgow
artist’s impression by Brian Allen

A campaign to raise funds to transform the Theatre Royal Glasgow has passed the £12m mark.

The public is now being asked to contribute the remaining £450,000 needed to fund the upgrade. 18 Nov

New Project by Alan Dunlop

East Park

East Park School
image courtesy of architects practice

The first major project by Alan Dunlop, his first Scottish building design since the break up of gm+ad architects.

“It’s a challenging and ambitious project. By focussing on international standards of best practice, my clients intend to create a centre of excellence for the teaching and residential care of children and young people with acute needs and encourage free movement and sense of independence while ensuring a safe and secure learning and living space. The placing of class rooms to the north of the existing garden has opened up the possibility of a south facing, secure and pleasurable environment for pupils and teachers with easy access to green space.” 15 Nov

Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Athletes’ Village

Commonwealth Games Athletes Village Townhouse
photograph courtesy of City Legacy

Commonwealth Games Athletes’ Village

Pictured above is one of the 700 EcoHome Excellent properties that form the Athletes’ Village.

Only properties that produce 60 percent fewer carbon emissions than traditionally-built structures are awarded an ‘excellent’ rating. The building envelope is an important part of achieving this because high levels of air tightness at critical areas such as roof eaves and ridge can significantly affect the overall energy efficiency of the building. 15 Nov

Barrhead Building Development

Work is about to get under way on two major regeneration projects on Barrhead Main Street.

East Renfrewshire Council will begin work on Monday on the £3.8m Barrhead Foundry, which will see the current Barrhead Sports Centre transformed into a community hub.

At the same time, ASDA is beginning work on its new £22m superstore. Contractors have begun demolishing the former health centre and library to make way for the 25,000 sqft store. 15 Nov

Aberdeen Development

Aberdeen International Business Park is being developed by Abstract with Glasgow firm Keppie Design as architect with first phase works scheduled to complete in August 2014. Bowmer & Kirkland has awarded NG Bailey the M&E contract for a major office development at the new Aberdeen International Business Park. The contract is to provide mechanical, electrical and plumbing services for a major office development for the developer Abstract (Cornwall) Limited. 15 Nov

Glasgow Airport News

The second phase of Glasgow Airport’s £17m investment to be a quality entry for visitors to the 2014 Commonwealth Games has started. 15 Nov

Maryhill Locks Housing

Plans have been submitted for the latest phase of residential development at Maryhill Locks designed by Nord Architecture. The terraced housing scheme will deliver 40 homes of up to four bedrooms to be sold as affordable family housing. Nord was commissioned by ISIS Waterside Regeneration to develop the layout for phases three & four of the Maryhill Locks scheme, part of a wider masterplan which has already seen delivery of phase one housing from Elder + Cannon and phase two housing from Hypostyle, which is still on site. 15 Nov

Scottish Architecture Websites Renewal

We moved our Edinburgh Architecture site over to WordPress from joomla yesterday afternoon. The Glasgow Architecture site moved over last Friday. 15 Nov

Housing Demand

Housing demand ‘higher than supply’, reports BBC Scotland today. The imbalance between supply and demand caused prices to increase during October, the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) said. Its latest survey for Scotland records a balance of 52% more chartered surveyors reporting price increases. This is the highest proportion since 2007. Sarah Speirs, director of Rics Scotland, said: “The housing market is gathering momentum and buyer numbers are on the rise across Scotland. 12 Nov

Scotland’s Biggest Hotel

Dubbed ‘Scotland’s biggest hotel’, the £20m Motel One will open at the corner of Argyle St and Oswald St, reports the Evening Times today. The nine-storey development will have more than 370 bedrooms. Building work will start in 2014 – see Glasgow Hotels for more. 12 Nov

Glasgow’s Wellington Statue

Plans to end a long-standing tradition of placing a traffic cone on Glasgow’s iconic Duke of Wellington statue have been dropped after a massive backlash. Glasgow City Council wanted to raise the plinth as part of a £65,000 project to refurbish the monument, which stands outside the Gallery of Modern Art. It abandoned the plan after a massive social media campaign saw thousands of people sign a petition opposing it. Campaigners who planned a demonstration now say they will hold a victory rally. 12 Nov

Mitchell Library Building

A £3.4 m programme of refurbishment to Glasgow’s Mitchell Library is to get underway this week. Work will start on an upgrade to the 102-year-old building on Thursday and will replace the 30-year-old fire detection system, improve its lighting and install new lifts. It will also include the creation of a family history centre within the library, an improved study space and two upgraded public lifts. Floors within the library will also be relocated. 11 Nov

Scottish Civic Trust My Place Awards

In 2014 a Scottish Civic Trust My Place Award will recognise a building or public realm project that has had a positive impact in a local neighbourhood and has delivered tangible benefits to that community. Also, a Scottish Civic Trust My Place Civic Champion Award will be presented to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to the promotion and protection of their local heritage. 11 Nov

Built Environment Forum Scotland Annual Congress

19 Nov at Linlithgow Burgh Halls

The Congress will feature presentations from representatives from Scottish Government, local authorities, practitioners and developers with an opportunity to learn how other sectors have successfully influenced policy making. The event will be of interest to anyone that sees the historic environment as having a key role in improving the quality of life for people across Scotland – details on Glasgow Events. 11 Nov

RIAS Andrew Doolan Award Winner

WASPS South Block, Glasgow Scoops UK’s Richest Architecture Prize

Maggies Gartnavel
photograph : Dapple Photography

Best Building in Scotland

In her address, preceding the Doolan Award, the Cabinet Secretary announced a new joint Scottish Government/RIAS Award for Client of the Year. This follows the aspiration within the Government’s new architecture policy, Creating Places, for such a national award.

This was followed by the surprise announcement of an inaugural winner of the Client Award (which will in future form part of the RIAS Awards, presented each summer). The first ever Scottish Government/RIAS Client of the Year Award was presented to Fr. Dermot Morrin (OP) who played a crucial role in the evolution of the RIAS Award-winning Chapel of Saint Albert the Great, Edinburgh. 8 Nov 2013

Scottish Architectural Website Renewal

We have today moved to wordpress from joomla, it will take a few days to settle down: there are various advantages to the move for both readers and us, such as better sharing and improved updating. 7 Nov

Historic Scotland News

Extensive investment in the historic environment by Historic Scotland over the past five years has levered in over £166m of additional funding.

An independent analysis commissioned by Historic Scotland and carried out by Jura Consultants assessed the impact of a range of investments from 2007-12 – more details on the November news page. 7 Nov

RSA Open

Showcasing the best in Scottish Contemporary Art and Architecture

The Royal Scottish Academy show opens 23 Nov

The RSA Open is an exhibition of small-scale works by contemporary artists and architects from Scotland and further afield. The exhibition provides a wonderful opportunity to buy unique artworks and in doing so, support artists living and working in Scotland. Traditionally part of the RSA Annual Exhibition, the RSA Open has been rebranded as a stand-alone show featuring RSA Academicians and selected artists and architects from across Scotland. Now in its fifth year, the RSA Open marks a sea change in the format of the historic RSA Annual Exhibition and will continue to be a regular fixture of the RSA exhibition programme. 6 Nov

Glasgow Gallery of Modern Art Renewal

photo © Adrian Welch

The Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow, is suffering from damaged stone work and is in need of repairs to the clock tower and ornamental weather vane. A planning application has been submitted for the tower at GoMA in Royal Exchange Square. 6 Nov

Glasgow Tower News

Glasgow Tower
Keith Hunter photograph from BDP architects

Scotland’s tallest free-standing building – Glasgow Tower – will be fully operational and open to visitors once again next summer (with any luck). This is good news as so many people on our tours ask about it and by extension surely huge numbers of visitors to the city are puzzled by it. Perhaps it was a step too far, a fanciful gimmick. The blurb at the time said 30% less steel was used for the tower due to it being able to rotate thus allowing less drag from the prevailing wind. But how does that make sense, it was surely (also) designed to stand up when not rotating ie engineers always cover themselves, so how did it save steel? If the claim was true then surely it would have blown over in a severe storm. 6 Nov

Glasgow Cathedral Stone Work

Glasgow Cathedral Stone Work
photograph from Historic Scotland

Glasgow Cathedral Building – the finest building to have survived the medieval period in Scotland. The work to conserve the cathedral is an intricate, long-term project – with carving of stones to marry in with the existing stone work, and also new gargoyles, window tracery and pinnacles. 6 Nov

Girvan Harbour Building

Final designs for the new £8m leisure and community facility at Girvan Harbour have been submitted by Glasgow architects PagePark. The building is located on the site of the former swimming pool & beach pavilion. It will include a swimming pool and a rooftop viewing gallery – more details on the November news page. 6 Nov

Sauchiehall Street

Old Building
building photo : Adrian Welch

Entertainment venues on Sauchiehall Street are being balloted about a plan to improve the area. The aim is to increase the number of visitors. The planned Business Improvement District will focus on the non-pedestrianised section from the junction with Rose Street and Blythswood Street to the junction with Charing Cross. 5 Nov

AppleGreen Homes in China

Scottish company AppleGreen Homes has been invited to showcase its model ‘home for the future’ in China, after launching its innovative modular home solution on the BRE Innovation Park at Ravenscraig. During his trade mission to China, Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond, accompanied by BRE Director, Rufus Logan, attended a ceremony in China where AppleGreen Homes unveiled “The Scottish House”, an affordable, energy efficient home, at the Beijing Green Building Park, part of the BRE Innovation Parks Network. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to the original BRE Innovation Park at Watford in 2011 resulted in the Chinese Government signing off the construction of the 780 acre Park in Beijing at the UK China Summit. 5 Nov

Quartermile Investment

Edinburgh’s Quartermile development is due to benefit from a £170 million investment from its new owner in a bid to drive the development forward. 5 Nov

Perth City Hall

Perth & Kinross Council has received just one bid – from the businessman who plans to turn the B-listed landmark into an indoor market – in the marketing drive for sale of Perth City Hall. 5 Nov

Surface Design Awards

Two Scottish architecture projects shortlisted, both in Edinburgh:

The Scotsman Steps by Martin Creed with Haworth Tompkins / McGregor Bowes + Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art by Allison Architecture. 5 + 4 Nov

A Commitment to Kisimul – an Icon of the Isles

Kisimul Castle Isle of Barra

One of Scotland’s most iconic castles is to undergo major conservation, archaeological and interpretation work as part of a plan agreed between Historic Scotland and Macneil of Barra. Kisimul Castle of the Isle of Barra is regarded as the most significant medieval castle in the Western Isles. It sits spectacularly on a rock in the bay and is the seat of the Chief of the Clan Macneil and the symbolic home of the Clan around the world. It is of local, national and international significance and one of the most recognised sites in Scotland. 1 Nov

Former Isola Factory Building

A vast TV and film studio complex will be a permanent legacy of Scotland’s answer to hit fantasy series Game of Thrones, under plans announced by the owner of the former Isola factory in Cumbernauld where filming has just started on US sci-fi show Outlander. Terry Thomson said the complex would help prevent Scotland missing out on major productions in future. 31 Oct

The Future of Scotland Conference

At the Future of Scotland Conference 2013 takes place on Thursday 5th December 2013 at MacDonald Holyrood Hotel, Edinburgh. Delegates will be invited to join the discussion on economic and social development: to examine existing policies; to debate best practice and to understand new strategies and best practice – see Events page for all the details. 31 Oct

Police Scotland HQ

Police Scotland will be asked to approve the construction of a £4.3m headquarters building in Dalmarnock today – more info on the October news page. 30 Oct

Sixty7 Hope Street

Sixty7 Glasgow
photo © Andrew Lee

The Sixty7 Hope Street building in Glasgow has relaunched following extensive refurbishment. It now includes an additional 6,000 sqft ground level unit suitable for retail or leisure use. The original building redevelopment was designed by former Glasgow architecture practice gm+ad architects. 30 Oct

Scottish Home Builders News

Home builders respond to “positive indicator” as number of homes sold increases significantly in last quarter – more on the October news page. 30 Oct

Glasgow Health Centre News

A new £11m Eastwood Health and Care Centre in Glasgow designed by Gareth Hoskins Architects has gained planning permission – moe details on the news page for October. 30 Oct

Glasgow Building Developments News – news in full from October 2013

Buchanan Quarter Flats

Over 90% of Glasgow’s new city centre housing development has been snapped up, reports the Evening Times today. Only 3 apartments remain on the market at Buchanan Gardens after 46 homes were reserved by buyers. The development by developer Land Securities is part of the £70m Buchanan Quarter residential and retail development. 28 Oct

Washington Exchange

Marlebone and Scottish Enterprise have launched a showpiece 500,000 sqft mixed-use development site in Glasgow’s International Financial Services District. The 1.69-acre Washington Exchange on the city’s Broomielaw is available to be developed in phases for a wide variety of potential uses including offices, leisure facilities, new homes and a hotel.

Negotiations are currently progressing with high-profile London-based funders, and a shortlist of developers has already been drawn up. Glasgow City Council had previously granted planning permission for Marlebone’s £100m 65 Washington Street development. This would include 250,000sq ft of Grade A office space, 20,000 sq ft of retail space and 25 residential apartments. 25 Oct

Argyll Museum Building

Kilmartin Museum has appointed Reiach and Hall architects to design a major expansion to their facilities. The building needs improvements to its exhibition gallery, education centre and artefact storage. The development is required due to an increasing collection. 24 Oct

Dumbarton Academy Building

The £10.6m Dumbarton Academy by Keppie Design has been officially opened. The new school will house up to 750 pupils and is part of the Scottish Government’s £1.25bn Schools for the Future programme. 24 Oct

Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre

Fife Sports Facilities designed by B3/Cre8 Architects. The new Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre building designed by has opened. We also feature the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre in Glenrothes completed this Summer. 23 Oct

Scottish Health Buildings

Six health developments totalling over £69m have been given the go ahead by the Scottish Government: three new Lanarkshire health centres ; a child and adolescent mental health unit in Tayside ; a Health Campus Project in Inverurie and a replacement for St Brendan’s Hospital in the Western Isles. The three health centres for NHS Lanarkshire are to be designed by Reiach & Hall Architects. 24 + 23 Oct

Keppie Design News

Keppie Design has expanded its management team with the appointment of three new divisional directors, reflecting the firm’s recent wins on the domestic and international stage. 21 Oct


Glasgow Imax
photograph © Adrian Welch

IMAX Cinema Glasgow

The largest cinema screen in Scotland opens at Glasgow Science Centre today. The new Image Maximum attraction is promising a digital projection system that delivers lifelike, crystal-clear images. 18 Oct

New Glasgow Headquarters Building for Scottish Power

Scottish Power Glasgow HQ
image from developer

Scottish Power Headquarters

ScottishPower has struck a deal with asset manager M&G Investments to fund the construction of its new Glasgow headquarters building. M&G is to provide £113 m in finance for the development after working with ScottishPower and its development partner Helical Bar. 18 Oct

Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games

The Hydro Glasgow
picture © Foster + Partners

Glasgow 2014 organisers consider changing venue of Commonwealth Games netball final from SECC to the Scottish Hydro Arena. 17 Oct

St Vincent Plaza

St Vincent Plaza Glasgow
image from developer

Construction starts on £65m St Vincent Plaza, by Keppie Design. 17 Oct

Stirling Buildings

Stirling Architecture – photos of key buildings in the city and surrounding area. 15 Oct

110 Queen Street News

110 Queen Street Glasgow
image from BAM

Scotland’s largest law firm, Brodies LLP, has signed up as the first occupier at the 110 Queen Street office development in central Glasgow. 11 Oct

South Glasgow Hospitals Campus
New South Glasgow Hospital Campus
picture from architect
South Glasgow Hospital Buildings
The University of Glasgow has been awarded £10m towards the development of a new clinical research facility at the South Glasgow Hospitals Campus – more on the October news page. 10 Oct

The Hydro building photos
Photo of the completed building, from the southwest:
The Hydro Glasgow
image © Adrian Welch
The ETFE pillowed skin looks good and the quality of the base overall design and detailing is impressive. 29 Sep

George Square Public Opening
Today (Sunday) George Square reopens to the public. The grass beds have been re-instated and the unloved red surface removed. 29 Sep

Glasgow Architecture Tours
Glasgow Walking Tour
photo © AW
Pictures from our Glasgow Architecture Tour on 28 Sep for an architectural group from Copenhagen – many buildings were visited from Homes for the Future to Crown Street housing. 29 Sep

The Hydro building
The Hydro
image © Foster + Partners
The Hydro
Designed by world-renowned architects Foster + Partners, The SSE Hydro has a seated capacity of 12,000, rising to 13,000 with a seated and standing configuration. The first purpose built concert venue of its scale, it will play host to around 140 events each year, including national and international artists and bands as well as being a venue for major comedy stars and sporting events. 27 + 26 Sep

Strathclyde Building News – news in full from September 2013

New Glasgow City College Campus On Site
Design: Reiach and Hall Architects and Michael Laird Architects
City of Glasgow College Building Design interior
picture from architect
New Glasgow City College Building

Work starts on the £228m development of two new campuses in central Glasgow, on Cathedral Street and at Thistle Street. 2 Sep + 9 Apr

Glasgow Building News – news in full from August 2013

Dalmarnock Station Building

Dalmarnock Station Glasgow
photo © Andrew Lee

Dalmarnock Station, east Glasgow, by Atkins

This building has been redeveloped to ensure smooth running for the Commonwealth Games 2014. 16 Aug

George Square Renewal News

George Square Glasgow design
image from architects

George Square renewal news

Work to upgrade George Square in advance of the Commonwealth Games has begun: the red Tarmac will be dug up and replaced with a more muted grey surface, the statues will be cleaned and two new grassy areas introduced. Glasgow City Council said the square will be back in full use by Remembrance Sunday in November. 30 + 16 Jul


Glasgow Architecture News

Glasgow News – Recent Developments in Strathclyde and Selected Items for Scotland

Speirs Locks Masterplan

Speirs Locks Proposal
image from architect

Speirs Locks Masterplan by Stallan-Brand : first phase approved. 26 Jun + 14 Feb

Glasgow Science Centre

Science Centre Glasgow
building photo © Paul Zanre

Glasgow Science Centre interior – new photos of Body Works Exhibition by ARKAdesignstudio ltd – 14 + 13 Jun 2013

Glasgow School of Art Holl Building Article

Glasgow School of Art Extension
photograph © Adrian Welch

Glasgow School of Art Holl Building – article by respected US academic about this design by Steven Holl Architects with jm architects. 12 + 7 + 6 Jun

Glasgow Buildings News – news in full from May 2013

Riverside Museum wins European Museum of the Year

The Riverside Museum Glasgow by Zaha Hadid Architects wins the European Museum of the Year Award. 22 May + 20 May

Glasgow News – news in full from April 2013

Planning Application for St Peter’s Kilmahew

photo © Adrian Welch
St Peter’s Seminary Cardross
The planning application has gone in for the landscape-led regeneration of the ruined St Peter’s Seminary at Kilmahew in Cardross.
The project is led by landscape architect erz (Glasgow), working with architect Avanti (Modern building conservation experts from London). It is the latest attempt to find a use for the former seminary. Designed by Gillespie Kidd & Coia in 1966 and Grade A-listed, the building is internationally renowned but has failed to find a viable use and has fallen into disrepair. 28 Feb

Glasgow News – news in full from February 2013

Burrell Collection awarded A-listed status by Historic Scotland

Buchanan Quarter Development
Queen Street Station Glasgow
image from architects
Revised planning application for a proposed £380m extension to Buchanan Galleries Glasgow submitted for owners Land Securities and Henderson Global Investors. 25 Jan

Braehead Shopping Centre Development
Braehead Shopping Centre – planning application has been submitted to Renfrewshire Council for ‘permission in principle’ to build a new mixed-use development at the centre. 22 Jan

Glasgow Queen Street Station News
Queen Street Station
photo © Adrian Welch
A Glasgow office block could be demolished to allow an expansion of Glasgow Queen Street Station. Strathclyde Partnership for Transport is in talks with Network Rail that could see it sell all or part of Consort House. 21 Jan

Glasgow News for Dec 2012 – news in full from December

RIAS Andrew Doolan Award for Architecture
Maggies Gartnavel
photo © Philippe Ruault
8 Nov 2012 – Maggie’s Gartnavel in Glasgow by Dutch architects, OMA, has been awarded the RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award 2012. The building was selected from a shortlist of 14 projects.

Erskine School Building News
Park Mains High School Building Erskine
photo © Andrew Lee
Park Mains High School Building, Erskine by Holmes Miller
The innovative new building to accommodate 1400 pupils and 136 staff. 23 Oct

Glasgow Area Tours

Riverside Museum wins Award

Riverside Museum Glasgow
photograph : Hawkeye Aerial Photography

Riverside Museum by Zaha Hadid wins 17th annual Micheletti Award.

Scottish Architecture

Glasgow School of Art Building

Science Centre Glasgow

Museum of Transport Building

Clyde Auditorium

Theatre Royal Glasgow

Glasgow Fort


Loch Lomond National Park Headquarters

Scottish Buildings : Glasgow Architectural News archive

Comments on the Glasgow Building Developments News page are welcome.